
Once again, a bumper edition to compensate for the rather late arrival of this issue.

We are still between editors and it would appear that I am following in Gareth's footsteps by currently editing 3 magazines! I hope, for sanity's sake, to be back to just the one after this issue of C18th MN&Q and once its NAPOLEONIC SISTER is launched in mid February.

Please keep the articles and other pieces coming.

I have been surprised by the popularity of the French-Indian wars period. Not only are the Matchlock figures selling at a great rate, but I notice that there is another re-enactment society dealing with the period just started in the States, and rumblings of a group getting underway here. Perhaps our many US Subscribers and dealers would care to send in some articles on the subject.

Meanwhile the International flavour of C18th MN&Q continues. We have articles from Sweden, Italy, Germany and the US in this and the next few issues and would like to encourage more.

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