Military Answers

Q16. French Grenadiers

from Colin Kendal

When 53 regiments were disbanded at the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle the French formed the elite companies into grenadier battalions. These were the Grenadiers de France and the Grenadiers Royaux.

In 1756 they formed a number of two-battalion regiments from the Grenadiers of the militia regiments. These regiments were listed in the order of battle as reserves.

The order of battle for the Lower Rhine, 17th July 1758, shows 4 battalions of the Genadieis de France and 4 two-baitalion regiments: Modena, Daulin, Bergeret and Chantilly. I assume these last four to be ex-militia.

Four battalions each of the Grenadiers de France and the Grenadiers Royaux were at Minden.

I have found no record of the grenadiers of the line regiments being brigaded into semi-permanent units as in other armies of the time. Perhaps with the brigades mentioned above available this was not thought necessary. The line regiment grenadier companies did however provide recruits for the Grenadiers Royaux who in turn supplied the Grenadiers de France.

On the subject of the French and grenadier hats it is certain that the Grenadiers de France and Royaux wore them. The 5th foot captured 635 of these men at Withelmstall and are said to have "liberated" their caps and taken to wearing them, introducing the fur hat unofficially into the British army.

Most sources agree that the hat was not worn in the majority of other regiments although some did. Unfortunately it is not known to which this applies. The common distinguishing feature of the French grenadiers were their moustaches and sabres and in some cases different cartridge pouches.


Cecil P. Lawson: History of the Uniforms of the British Army
Mollo, McGregor: Uniforms of the Seven Years War
Christopher Duffy: The Army of Frederick the Great and The Military Experience in the Age of Reason
Heer und Tradition: plates from Knotel Lee Kennett: French Armies in the Seven Years War
Pengel and Hurt: Uniform booklets

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