Publisher's Apology


by Gareth Simon

The delay with this issue is entirely my fault. The publishing dates have succumbed to other, even more overdue projects and the time taken to process the large number of orders for our products. Gareth does a remarkable job in editing three magazines, and has always been prompt in getting copy to me in time, so apologies to you and to him.

In future though (famous last words!!) things will improve. PARTIZAN PRESS is taking the first tentative steps towards being more than just a hobby. The path is strewn with unfortunates who have not survived the commercial pressures of very specialist publishing, where print runs are measured in dozens but costs in hundreds.

By not leaping full-time into the business(es), but being able to devote an extra couple of days a week to Caliver, Matchlock and Partizan we hope to still be able to maintain a regular supply of products - and more frequently to save you from the all-too-familiar withdrawal symptoms.

In celebration of this reckless move, the next issue will be a bumper one.

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