Battle of Glenshiel
Wargame Scenario

20th November 1700

Government Forces:

    General Weightman, C. in C. @ 100.
    Sutherland Highlanders (one unit): 10 LI, "D", swordsmen, shield @ 4
    10 LI , "13", swordsmen, shield, musket, @ 7 120.
    2 x Grenadiers: 5 LI, "B", musket bayonet, grenade, salvo @ 9 110.
    Montague's Regiment: 10 LI, "B", musket, bayonet, salvo @ 7 80.
    Harrison's Regiment: as above 80
    Huffel's Dutch Regiment- as above 80.
    Claydon's Regiment: as above 80.
    Monroe's Highlanders (one unit): 10 LI, "D", swordsmen, shield @ 4 10 LI, "D", swordsmen, shield, musket @ 7 120.
    Robertson's Dragoons: 6 LC, "C, sword, pistol, carbine, @ 9 64.
    1 x Rocket (Mortar) with 2 "C' crew @ 35.
    TOTAL: 969.
    Note: all dragoons and salvo infantry are close order, others order.

Jacobite Forces:

    Sub-general - Marquess of Tullibardine @ 50.
    Sub-general - Rob Roy McGregor (McGregors only) @ 50.
    Spanish Regiment (two sub units): 3 x 5 LI, "0', musket, bayonet salvo @ 7 125.
    Mackenzie's Highlanders (one unit):
    10 LI, "D", fanatic, swordsmen, shield @ 5
    10 LI, "D", fanatic, swordsmen, shield, musket @ 8 140.
    Macraes's Highlanders (as above): 140.
    McGregoes Highlanders (one unit):
    6 LI, "D", fanatic, swordsmen, shield @ 5
    6 LI, "D", fanatic, swordsmen, shield, musket @ 8 88.
    Mcgreggors Highlanders (another, as above): 88.
    Mcgreggors Highlanders (another, as above): 88.
    TOTAL 769.

Map size= 3'x2': Six turns duration

Victory Points
Normal casualty pts, barricade and bridge are worth 50 each to Government, 100 pts to Jacobites.

SECRET (for Govt eyes only)
Govt forces may flank march up to 20 figures to arrive on table at the beginning of turn 2 between the two hills .

Battle of Glenshiel 1719

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