Editorial Introduction

by Gareth Simon

Hi there! Do you realise how difficult it is to start an introduction to a new magazine? When I come to write the Editorial for the Arquebusier (the Journal of the Pike and Shot Society, which I also edit), I usually have some information relating to Society affairs to pass on; here we are starting cold.

The Publisher comes from Re-Enactment Society background, while mine is a figure- gaming/boardgaming background. We have a middle ground of military history. Since its your money were trying to relieve you of, we need to know what direction the readership wants us to go. There will be a questionaire to fill in next issue, but in the meantime a few letters, even a sentence or two, from you will be appreciated. To me, the letter page of any magazine is the most important part.

Until directed otherwise by the readership, we hope to feature in each issue an account of a major battle or campaign, and a 'Terribly Obscure' one. Narva and Zenta are the two this issue, but which is the major and which is the obscure is in dispute between the Editor and the Publisher. Also a "Colours and Cornets' section: Stuart Reid has found some previously unreported Jacobite standards from the '45, which we will be printing soon; an 'eyewitness' section, starting with the siege of Quebec; a Notes and Queries section, for which contributions are wanted in large volume; and a wargaming element. This issue we have a couple of wargame scenarios and a boardgame review. The lack of an accepted major set of rules for the period, at least as far as competition wargaming goes, makes scenario writing difficult. Whose terminology do we use? I have not yet found a set I like for the period this magazine is to cover, and very few "specialist' ones for the various sub-periods.

Credits & Plugs: The Mohawk review is reprinted from PERFIDIOUS ALBION, a boardgame review magazine published by C. H. Vasey, 75 Richmond Park Road, East Sheen, London SW14 8JY. UK price 70p; surface mail 75p; Airmail U.S. fl, Australia L1.05. Payment in Sterling only. Mr. Vasey has a regular review column in Military Modelling.

The Army of Hessen-Kassel is reprinted from Arquebusier (bi-monthly, 40 pages, A4), the Journal of the Pike and Shot Society. This covers the period 1400-1720. Annual U.K. Subscription £ 9, Europe/Surface £ 11; Airmail £ 16. Information from the Editorial address.

Stuart Reid has just had published Killiecrankie 1699 from Partizan Press, describing the battle in great detail, the regiments of the Government army, and the Jacobite forces. (50pp, £ 5.30 inc. p&p, £ 4.95 to 18CN&Q subscribers).

John Tincey, among other things, has published Armies of the Sedgemoor Campaign from Partizan Press.

Pete Berry is part of the team that brought us the revolutionary set of E.C.W. wargame rules - Forlorn Hope (again from Partizan Press. Who are these people?)

Our Honourary Editor should need no introduction, due to the wide ranging number of books and rules that have appeared from him over the years, and his long association with Military Modeling and the more recent Practical Wargamer.

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