Honorary Editorial

by Start Asquith

I was delighted when Dave Ryan first contacted me with the exciting news that Eighteenth Century Military Notes and Queries was to be launched. I was also extremely flattered to be invited to become Honourary Editor of a publication which I am sure is going to play an important role in stimulating interest in this neglected area.

Those of you who know me will be aware of my long standing passion for Marlburian (15mm) and Seven Years War (30mm) wargaming. As a wargames period the 18th century has so much to offer, with the Great Northern War, the War of the Polish Succession, the War of the Austrian Succession, the Stuart Risings, Colonial Wars, the Polish Struggle for National Independence, the American War of Independence and the start of the French Revolution 'amongst others, in addition to the two conflicts already noted. The uniforms were splendid, the theatres and scenarios as varied as one could wish, the tactics are ideal for re-creation on the table top and there were any number of nationalities involved all heady stuff!

In spite of all this however, the fact remains that the 18th century is still one of the most consistently under-played wargame periods. This may be due in part to a combination of a comparative paucity of suitable figures and a distinct lack of any detailed knowledge about the period. The various figure manufacturers are latterly addressing the first part of the problem - if indeed that is the correct label and I have every confidence that via its pages, 18th Century Military Notes & Queries will competently offer the requisite information. So, welcome to this very first edition of what I am sure will grow into a readable and well informed publication of some standing. May I take this opportunity to wish Dave Ryan the very best of luck with his venture.

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