Tagged: spearhead


Aprile 2024

Hot news are my new guns for playing Warre. Three bases done using old Minifigs figures from the Renaissance range, more late XVII century than Thirty Years’ War.. Completed now: three additional gun bases,...


“All fine men” GWSH: head count

I have just collected the full list, what is needed to play all scenarios of “All Fine Men”, Easter front First World War scenarios for Great War Spearhead. In Bold what I have already...


6mm Russian WWI (or Civil War)

I inherited from Francesco a box filled with Irregular miniatures, painted for the Russian Civil War. I plan to base them, organising them for GWSHII, on 30mm square bases, 2mm thick rounded corners, also...


US Airborne 1:300

Ho tutti i pezzi per preparare almeno due reggimenti e supporti. Vediamo se tra un pezzo napoleonico e l’altro riuscito’ a preparare questi pezzi in 6mm.


Spearhead: German Artillery

For those that use John Moher’s Counter Battery house rule, I’ve just discovered that in 1941 the first 20 German Panzer divisions have integral counter battery spotting capabilities. This capability was generally added to...


US late war tank allocations

I have asked to the TOEs group about late war US tank allocations, since I am preparing a Spearhead US Infantry and tank divisions. From Mark Bevis, author of the renown Micromark lists, the...


Settembre 2020

In questi giorni ho portato avanti la preparazione dei veicoli necessari ad una Divisione di fanteria americana. Non tutti i reggimenti avranno veicoli con cui muoversi, ma non credo sara’ mai necessario in uno...


New old built-up areas

Ho appena finito di preparare queste BUAs. Le case sono quasi tutte di carta, montate negli anni ’80. Il castello e’ stato disegnato e montato da Alberto Ribera, mentre gli alberi sono vecchie fusioni.


March 2020

Restoring my 15mm ACW Currently working on 2mm Seven Years War cavalry and more villages and towns. Cavalry is done now! Also some artillery, two new villages and two towns. Just begun preparing my...

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