Warre armies taking shape
I decided to put on a table all that I have done so far in terms of Thirty Years’ Was units. Here in photos the current status. Some units need to be flocked, other...
I decided to put on a table all that I have done so far in terms of Thirty Years’ Was units. Here in photos the current status. Some units need to be flocked, other...
Just completing a unit of Scottish lancers. This unit would best be placed in an ECW scenario rather than a Thirty Years War army, but many scottish units were hired by Sweden, so maybe...
My restoring work is continuing at high speed, since the quality of the painting is rather good and I like to keep the style of these vintage figures. I am just retouching chipped paint,...
First two units of demi-cuirassiers are popping out of my restoration desk. These figures are very well painted, very bright colours make the figure look like real cavaliers of the xvii century!
Just finished three units and two Generals for my new Thirty Years War vintage project. Two lancer units, one irregular cavalry unit can now join my two Cuirassier Units. Figures are Minifigs and some...
Mi serviva un villaggio 3mm per il gioco ACW, ne ho fatti dodici! Eccoli qui. Inizio il 2024 con una piccola lista di pezzi da preparare, per i miei tre (ben tre!) progetti correnti:...
This project, thought one year ago, is now starting up. I have collected a number of Minifigs and Hinchliffe figures, which need quite some restoration. I also have gathered a good number of unpainted...
I have found on eBay this nice set of 25mm Minifigs Curassiers, enough to make two units of eight figures. Models are imperial cuirassiers, painted with orange plumes and scarves, probably originally painted to...
I have to start my new vintage project, to give my 40+ years old figures a new life. Next Monday we will play this Warre ruleset I had printed and in my list since...
Una raccolta di foto di modelli di Ian Weekley. Devo ancora dipingere la sua fortezza Vauban. Alcune sue creazioni si trovano ancora sui tavoli di gioco. 15mm models Altre foto trovate su Web.