Tagged: vintage


Hinchliffe Martians

Here the old Hinchliffe catalogue excerpt with the Martian range: Then below some figures from the range painted. They have been found on the Lead Adventure site. These range may be bought by Broadsword...



Three exemplars of Homo Wargamensis have been found recently by digging an ancient hard drive. Here attached the findings. Copyrights of these manufacts have long expired, so I can freely publish them, I hope.


First Warre demi-curaissiers

First two units of demi-cuirassiers are popping out of my restoration desk. These figures are very well painted, very bright colours make the figure look like real cavaliers of the xvii century!


Francesco’s Chattanooga campaign at ARSM

Francesco and Marco organised a great campaign at ARSM, in ’90s. Many friends appear in this old video. Game rules were “On To Richmond”. The campaign was based on the boardgame “Autumn Of Glory”...


Ral Partha vs Jacklex

Mark Lodge, from Jacklex miniatures, has been very kind and provided me with some picture showing the comparison between 25mm Ral Partha and 20mm Jacklex. I find there is a very good matching between...


25mm Star Wars Stormtroopers

Here is the first effort by Matteo on painting metal figures. They are old West End models I found on eBay. We have enough for about three squads of bad guys. The good guys...