Tagged: Minifigs


Minifigs French Field Artillery

I have just finished five bases of French artillerymen, four bases are made of Minifigs French artillerymen, with the 1806 uniform. One base is a Guard Artillery one, hosting four not yet identified figures....


English Demi-lancers

Just restored 8 Minifigs English Demi-lancers. They are not super nice and they will be used very seldom on the table, anyway a good addition to my vintage renaissance units.


Royalist cuirassiers in Dutch service

Just finished with a heavy restoration of some Thirty Years War cuirassiers. They are 25mm Minifigs models, rather battered from the many years of neglect in a storage box. They are very similar to...


Vintage Massena? Nooo

I just restored a bit this magnificent model, painted very professionally long ago by some italian wargamer. Is it Massena? Please let me know. Nooo M. is right!! This is just a French Guard...


La vie en rose, 7me Chasseurs

Here my second regiment of French Chasseurs. Also in these case Officer, trumpeter and standard are missing. I will need to dig again in my lead pile to see if I can better complete...