Tagged: Minifigs


English Demi-lancers

Just restored 8 Minifigs English Demi-lancers. They are not super nice and they will be used very seldom on the table, anyway a good addition to my vintage renaissance units.


Royalist cuirassiers in Dutch service

Just finished with a heavy restoration of some Thirty Years War cuirassiers. They are 25mm Minifigs models, rather battered from the many years of neglect in a storage box. They are very similar to...


Vintage Massena? Nooo

I just restored a bit this magnificent model, painted very professionally long ago by some italian wargamer. Is it Massena? Please let me know. Nooo M. is right!! This is just a French Guard...


La vie en rose, 7me Chasseurs

Here my second regiment of French Chasseurs. Also in these case Officer, trumpeter and standard are missing. I will need to dig again in my lead pile to see if I can better complete...


Dicembre 2021

Ho preparato molte case di carta dedicate al gioco di Natale. Ho imbasettato alcuni inglesi Peninsulari che mi ha dato Marco. Ne ho abbastanza per preparare, oltre a queste basi di schermagliatori, un reggimento...


Ottobre 2021

Continua la mia produzione di unita’ Napoleoniche. Ho finito: Una unita Di Guardie inglesi Hinchliffe da sei basi, 36 figure. Una unita’ KGL Hinchliffe da sei basi, 36 figure. Due unita’ di Granatieri della...

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