Late antiquity 6mm
I started rebasing Francesco’s 6mm figures from his 6mm ancients collection. I have so far flocked Sassanian noble cavalry, light cavalry, late roman infantry and cavalry, some gothic wagons.
I started rebasing Francesco’s 6mm figures from his 6mm ancients collection. I have so far flocked Sassanian noble cavalry, light cavalry, late roman infantry and cavalry, some gothic wagons.
This project is starting now as a joint effort of Nic and S, it will focus on building a 28mm army to play against Venetians and Imperial armies. An army focusing on the XVII-XVIII...
My vintage Thirty Years War armies are getting ready. Here a table setup, so that I could see what I have achieved so far.
Just placed an order for a small contingent of Hanoverians. It will be composed of: All models bought by RSM, apart from officers and ensigns, which were bought from Crann Tara.
I have just collected the full list, what is needed to play all scenarios of “All Fine Men”, Easter front First World War scenarios for Great War Spearhead. In Bold what I have already...
I plan to build a few tent bases for my armies, based from the maps from Neil Cogswell’s books. During this period armies are shown always organised in a First and Second Line, each...
Questo mese riuscirò a fare: Alla fine ho deciso di usare i pezzi Minden/Crann Tara per creare Reggimenti che hanno partecipato alla Guerra di Successione Austriaca. In questo modo posso dipingere unita’ austriache con...
1792-1795: The Dutch Republic INFANTRYThere were National (Dutch), Walloon and Swiss troops. Contracts were signed with a few German rulers and foreign battalions and regiments were hired in Germany during 1792-1795. When the war...
American Independence War and French-Indian Wars (all based 4×4 cm) (Light infantry and Indians 6×3 cm) British Army Commanders (5 figures) (5 bases) 6th Regiment of Foot (24 figures) (6 bases) 16th Regiment...