Category: Vintage


Hinchliffe Martians

Here the old Hinchliffe catalogue excerpt with the Martian range: Then below some figures from the range painted. They have been found on the Lead Adventure site. These range may be bought by Broadsword...


Peter Gilder Hinchliffe

The figures I am currently painting for the 30YW project are from the Hinchliffe ECW range, some you may find below, but they fit perfectly for any Thirty Years War army. I found this...


More archeology

These photos are from the late ’70s or early ’80s, recovered by Luca (thank you!) An ancient battle of WRG ancients, played by Luca, Pino, Alberto from Rome, Vincenzo from Naples. Another young player...



Three exemplars of Homo Wargamensis have been found recently by digging an ancient hard drive. Here attached the findings. Copyrights of these manufacts have long expired, so I can freely publish them, I hope.


Twice Old Tercios

There is something strange in my efforts to recover old miniatures and build units for my new armies. This time I have chosen the oldest models in my collection of vintage Thirty Years War...