Category: Uncategorized


Tokyo National museum

I found this morning some interesting weapons and armour, dating from the VIII to the XIX century. What I found amazing, was to find sword blades from the XIII century without any speckle of...


Settembre 2023

Not much time to dedicate to painting this month. I will try to complete the two remaining French Infantry battalions with the missing figures I bought from Crann Tara. I had no time to...


Austrian Jagers

One unit of Jagers just arrived from the US. I found some details on how to paint them. I don’t know yet if I wish to base them as irregulars, four to a 50×50...


Honours of War Siege rules

From DinTheDin, Lead adventures Forum: Quick rules for the final assault during a siege. Please note that they are not meant for a siege taking days to make trenches etc. Creating a breach on...


Seven Years War British

Figures from Minden, found on eBay, restored and finally grown from 16 to 24 figures battalions. Full army below: Missing figures, eight per battalion, were bought from Fife and Drum USA.


Cornetto e cappuccino

ma quanti ce ne siamo presi, alle tre di notte, dopo aver fatto tutti insieme un bel gioco. E poi si continuava a parlare di soldatini, di cose da preparare per i prossimi venerdí.


Raid on St Michel: Rearguard

Second battle of the Raid Of St Michel Campaign by Charles Grant. This is a regard action where the whole VSF army is passing a defile, where very few Lorraine units are defending. Francesco...


SYW di Alessandro e Marco

Ho acquistato di recente alcuni pezzi gia’ iniziati da Alessandro che ora voglio finire. Alcuni sono dipinti in modo poco accurato, mentre altri sono dei veri capolavori. Osservando questi ultimi mi rendo conto che...

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