Category: Uncategorized


Grenadiers de France infos

I have all figures ready to prepare my next unit for my Seven Years French army. Figures are Fife and Drum, compatible with Crann Tara, very nice. I need to remember to mount two...


XVIII century Militia and civilians

Finally I may start again enjoying figures painted by me, of a more modern design. I am starting now a few armed civilians (Black Hat Miniatures) and some villagers, rich and poor. The colour...


Batalla de las dunas

Here a beautiful painting by Sebastian Vranckx about this famous battle held in the Netherlands in 1600, just found in Sevilla. I will take inspiration from it while painting my renaissance figures.


Settembre 2024

Ho appena completato il restauro di un traino di artiglieria ed una forgia da campo francesi. I modelli sono Hinchliffe e li ho trovati ad un prezzo modesto su eBay. Prossimo lavoro sara’ rivolto...


Against the Ottomans, Reference books

This would be a rather broad subject. I will concentrate on Italian states (Venice) and the Austrian empire Books I own in paper L’esercito Veneziano del ‘700 (Filippi) Books I would like to read...


Site is secure now

Thanks to a friend of fine, who suggested to use LetsEncrypt to get an https certificate, now the site is running https and can be accessed more easily, from cell phone etcetera. Thank you...


Solferino and San Martino BBB

Today we had a very interesting and fun game, using our beloved BBB ruleset. The figures were in 10mm, from the collection of Maurizio. The map was kindly sent by Chris, given a light...