Category: Rules


BBB Kriegspieler

I giochi BBB online, con Francesco e Marco, procedono bene. Ho deciso di investire un po’ di tempo per vedere quanto ci vuole per creare un gioco per una battaglia qualsiasi. Ho preso la...


Il regolamento Shadow of the Eagles

di Keith Flint, mi e’ appena arrivato. Ho avuto qualche scambio di considerazioni con l’autore a riguardo della necessita’ per tutti i regolamenti napoleonici di mettere delle regole sull’utilizzo delle colonne sul campo. Home...


Spearhead: German Artillery

For those that use John Moher’s Counter Battery house rule, I’ve just discovered that in 1941 the first 20 German Panzer divisions have integral counter battery spotting capabilities. This capability was generally added to...


Star Wars silent death

Silent Death sono disponibili su WargameVault, i mods li ho trovati sul web. Mods Longhorn di sotto. Tight Turn Ogni volta che si effettua un tight turn, si aggiunge un segnalino di energia persa...


Age of Valour/Age of Eagles

This are two sets of rules by Bill Grey: Age of Valor a XIX century ruleset, while Age of Eagles, being a napoleonic set designed along the Fire and Fury ACW rules. He uses...


Lion Rampant, nuove regole

Flank and Rear attacks Models may move in any direction without penalty, but at the end of the unit’s movement, ensure that all models are facing in one direction. To change the direction a...


Boxers for The Men Who Would Be Kings

It’s mostly based on my gut reactions and repeated viewings of 55 Days at Peking rather than any specific, serious research. Boxers: Tribal Infantry @ 3 pts. Boxer shooters: Irregular Infantry, Poor Shots @...

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