Category: Paints


Contrast cavalry

Some thoughts while painting my Clermont Prince cavalry horses. Here my old post about Contrast colours:


Modern British vehicles and uniforms Vallejo colours

Here the full Vallejo colour list for Aircrafts and Vehicles: 348 Chieftain Green (20ml)   The green base colour of British tanks and other vehicles.Also available as a spray can, for basecoating your army quickly and...


British WW2 tank colours

Air recognition markings No formal instructions before the war, experiments were run which included: 1941 (1) AFV’s 2in white border around turret top 1941 (2) Yellow fabric triangle to indicate AFV radio vehicle 1941/2...


Strong Tone equivalente

  Pare che il prodotto industriale equivalente si chiami in UK e USA: Minwax PolyShades – Oil-Based Stain & Polyurethane In Francia ho trovato una Vernis anti-tache, a base di olio, con tempi di...


Panno da wargame!

Panni di feltro S&A scenics the warstore Altro Si possono comprare files digitali Ho visto su un blog dei warmers che uno un panno come questo da usare come base. Poi usano...


Colorazioni aerei US moderni

1) US Navy and US Marines and US Air Force – Today – Tactical fighters and fighter-bombers and electronic warfare planes tend to appear in multiple gray colors- it used to be the Navy...