Category: Painting News


Novembre 2024

Ultimi ritocchi per il mio battaglione austriaco della Guerra dei Sette Anni. Ho restaurato anche tre moschettieri prussiani, ridotti piuttosto male, che mi aveva dato Maurizio. Come guardie sulle mura di una citta’ o...



Just started refurbishing these Minifigs figures, found on eBay. Painting is not bad but very basic, so I am doing all the horse harness and details. These figures are good for the last part...


Ottobre 2024

Non tocchero’ pennello fino ad ottobre, quindi ecco cosa c’e’ sul tavolo, pronto per allora. Sono tornato ed ho iniziato. Ho preparato due elementi di paesaggio: Ci sono altre basi di picchieri e cavalleria,...


Ohm’s Swedish cavalry regiment

This regiment was a German regiment who fought for the Swedish and then the French. I prepared four bases of 25mm cavalrymen, all 25mm Minifigs. Photos will come soon.


6mm WWI trenches

I am preparing a set of WWI trenches, meant to be used for my Eastern Front project. I am using the many models from Irregular which Francesco prepared. I am mounting them on 9×3...


English Demi-lancers

Just restored 8 Minifigs English Demi-lancers. They are not super nice and they will be used very seldom on the table, anyway a good addition to my vintage renaissance units.


IR1 Kaiser

A new battalion is being added to my Austrian Seven Years War army, IR1 Kaiser, from Front Rank, marching shouldered musket. Photos soon.