Heroics and Ros Late Roman cavalry
Just finished restoring these nice Late Roman cavalry units. They were painted by Francesco and needed some repair. I wish to see them on a gaming table soon. These figures may still be found...
Just finished restoring these nice Late Roman cavalry units. They were painted by Francesco and needed some repair. I wish to see them on a gaming table soon. These figures may still be found...
Appena finito di imbasettare dei carri gotici, da aggiungere ai miei altri 6mm antichi appena finiti. Il lavoro di restauro ed imbasettamento dei pezzi tardo-antichi continua, prevedo 6-700 basi di eserciti romano (tardo imperiale,...
I started rebasing Francesco’s 6mm figures from his 6mm ancients collection. I have so far flocked Sassanian noble cavalry, light cavalry, late roman infantry and cavalry, some gothic wagons.
Just restored three more units, four bases each, of Thirty Years War arquebusiers. Models are early Minifigs, series S.
Some French flags to decorate my Thirty Years’s War units. Some artillerymen waiting for hardware. All figures are Hinchliffe, ECW range. They have a lot of character to me, much better than the new...
Ho iniziato questo mese di febbraio con il restauro dei pezzi tardo antichi in 6mm di Francesco. Qui qualche dettaglio sull’esercito Sasanide, ho anche iniziato l’esercito tardo romano. Ho poi preparato un po’ di...
Just started restoring and basing ancient armies painted by Francesco. I have begun with Sasanian cavalry. Actually the army was mostly cavalry. Figures are Irregular, with some Heroics and Ros units here and there....
Just finished all Jagers needed to play Eastern Front scenarios for Great War Spearhead II called “All Fine Men“: I use this page as a reminder. In order to complete my Russian civil war...
I am preparing now about 120 bases of Russian infantry, cavalry and other troop types. The figures are Irregular and specific for the Civil War period, coming from the collection of Francesco. I am...