Category: Figures
6mm Ancients by Vittorio
Here some photos of Vittorio’s beautuful ancient armies. I am posting them as the best possible example of basing 6mm figures. They are based on 30mm and 60mm width bases. In my case figures...
Hinchliffe Martians
Here the old Hinchliffe catalogue excerpt with the Martian range: Then below some figures from the range painted. They have been found on the Lead Adventure site. These range may be bought by Broadsword...
Minden miniatures French
Here some photos from the Fife and Drum site, of French Seven Years War miniatures. I am painting a battalion of Grenadiers de France and I needed some inspiration.
More demi-curassiers, 30YW
Here some more demi-curassiers which I restored to be used in games again. They must be from a very early Minifigs production, or some other manufacturer from the ’70s. I repainted some damaged parts...
IR1 Kaiser
A new battalion is being added to my Austrian Seven Years War army, IR1 Kaiser, from Front Rank, marching shouldered musket. Photos soon.
Peter Gilder Hinchliffe
The figures I am currently painting for the 30YW project are from the Hinchliffe ECW range, some you may find below, but they fit perfectly for any Thirty Years War army. I found this...
Bolt Action troops
Here our collection of 28mm WW2 figures. We took pictures since we did not remember exactly what we had. Our painted figures are only US and Germans. They are ready to play a good...
First German 1914 regiments
Here my first two regiments, half a division, ready to play Great War Spearhead. Scenarios for East Front 1914 are in “All fine men”.
Minifigs Napoleonic French cuirassiers
Just based some magnificent 25mm Minifigs French cuirassiers. I just did a minimal refurbish, gloss paint coat and basing. I have some unpainted models, to add an ensign and another officer figure, to complete...