July 21 Napoleonics
Just completed two units of KGL (Minifigs), one unit of Scottish Light Infantry (Minifigs) and rebased one Austrian Hussar Unit painted by Marco long time ago. Two and a half battalions of French Light...
Just completed two units of KGL (Minifigs), one unit of Scottish Light Infantry (Minifigs) and rebased one Austrian Hussar Unit painted by Marco long time ago. Two and a half battalions of French Light...
Down below you may find the collection of photos which I collected from the Lead Adventures site, from Lord Raglan. I am using these photos as an inspiration for my own collection. My painting...
Need to think about the Warrior miniatures army packs, for a future project: AWI C. British Northern CampaignBand of 20 IroquoisTwo Battalions of 20 British Infantry of the lineBattalion of 20 British Light InfantryBattalion...
Su questa pagina metto la lista delle truppe, man mano che vengono imbasettate, da aggiornare con quelli contenuti nella tabella Pezzi Napoleonici da restaurare, o finiti: Bavaresi Prussiani Austriaci Francesi Comandi Fanteria Linea Guardia...
E’ iniziata. Ecco le prime unita’ napoleoniche in 25mm: Lancieri Francesi (Minifigs) Riflemen Britannici (Minifigs) Schermagliatori di linea Britannici (Minifigs S-series) Schermagliatori Riflemen (Hinchliffe)
L’idea e’ di preparare 6 eserciti per Lasalle, o Shadows of the Eagles, oppure General d’armee: Inglesi, Francesi, Prussiani, Austriaci, Russi, Spagnoli, aggiungendo qualche unita’ di altre nazioni. Un bel progetto importante, ma l’idea...
Definitely started my ACW 28mm project. Just done some artillery. The Confederates are Perry and the Unions are Dixon. I will mix everything together.
Mi e’ venuta voglia di fare eserciti Horse and Musket ed insieme a quello ACW potrei fare questo altro periodo. Imbasettamento: basi in MDF di 3mm di spessore. Le unita’ che possono andare in...