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The following section describes the scenarios available. Any starting adjustments or conditions are noted, as well as the goal of the scenario. The scenarios are arranged in order of difficulty from 1 to 6, with '1' being the easiest and '6' being the most difficult. You may either play the scenarios in order, and gain experience from each before proceeding to the next, or you may generate a character with the appropriate amount of experience and play any scenario you like. (1) Repair Ship or "Bring me my hydrospanner!" Congratulations! You've just won a ship in a high stakes sabaac game. Unfortunately, the previous owner was a little vague about its condition. Your ship begins with the following Components Really Damaged: Carbon Scoring, Carbon Scoring, Emergency Generator, Bunks/Lounge, Vacuum Suits, Lateral Controls. But there is good news, the following Components are only Damaged: Fore Shield, Carbon Scoring, Cockpit, Bottom Weapon Turret, Aft Shield. 1000 credits only goes so far, and in order to get this tub up and running, you're going to have to take a few jobs… This scenario comes to an end at the end of 20 Days. You may choose to end it early if your ship is fully repaired in order to gain additional character points. The number of character points received for the scenario is based on how quickly your ship gets fully repaired.
At the end of this scenario the Rebellion issues orders to all ships to begin Blockade Running operations. (2) Run the Blockade, or "Why don't you outrun them? I thought you said this thing was fast!" Rumors of rebellion draw the attention of the Empire to this sector. In order to bring order to the galaxy, the Empire has blockaded Corellia and Calamari with ships from the Imperial Navy. In response, the Rebellion organizes blockade running operations to defy the Empire and inspire support for their cause. All Imperial Entanglements in Corellia and Calamari automatically result in Stormtroopers or Fighters. The Empire will not Board, Detain, or Arrest anyone in those Systems; go immediately to combat. As part of the blockade, the Empire has shut down the Spaceports on both Systems. Your ship must land in uninhabited areas of the planets. Normal Docking Fees still apply, and you still roll on the Starport chart for Encounters (the nearby villages are almost as busy these days). However, you may not Pay for Repairs or Buy Cargo in these Systems. Also, All Self-Repair die rolls in these Systems are at -2. By using your contacts with Rebel agents stationed throughout the Sector, you may adjust any 5 Cargo and/or Contraband Destination die rolls by 1 or 2 toward '7' (you could, for example, adjust a '5' to a '7', or a '10' to a '9', but not an '8' to a '9'). This scenario ends at the end of 15 Days. The number of character points received for this scenario is based on the number of Loads of Cargo and/or Contraband you haul into Corellia and Calamari. Arriving with a Load of Cargo and Contraband counts as two Loads.
At the end of 15 Days of blockade running, orders arrive assigning your ship to carry out covert operations in the sector. (3) Covert Operations, or "My friends will get the shield down in time!" To magnify the effect of the blockade running operation, the Rebellion initiates commando raids against Imperial bases in the Sector. Your ship is to be used to transport these commandos to the various bases. Once inserted, the teams will attempt to sabotage key components of the base. You must then extract the team and prepare for the next raid. You must maintain your free trader cargo and contraband activities in order to provide a cover for your frequent travels. The Rebellion supplies you with 1000 credits to begin the operation, but all other financial problems are up to you to handle. The Rebellion will also freely repair your Beds/ Lounge Component if it is not functional. If it is already functional, they provide you with an additional 100 credits. You must travel to each System with an Imperial Garrison and spend one Day while in each "Fulfilling Goal". It is during that Day that the commando team will sabotage the Imperial base. Place 3 Wanteds in the System at the end of the Day. Also at the start of the next Day, consult the following table to determine the result of the command raid.
Experience bonuses are not cumulative; apply only the best achieved to date to the team's die roll. Being the hero that you are, you can't just sit back while the commandos act. Your crew must stay with the ship and may not apply their Blaster skill. You do what you can to help them in their raids, because of this add your personal Blaster skill to their Raid die rolls. If your Bunks/Lounge Component becomes Damaged while in Space, the command team is incapacitated and withdrawn from duty. You are assigned a new team and any Raid modifier earned by the previous team is lost. If the second team is also incapacitated, the scenario ends. Treat the team as being Contraband if you are Boarded or Detained. Any normal Contraband that you are carrying at the time must be Jettisoned and the team hides in the Secret Hold. You may choose to have the team participate in the fight against Stormtroopers at the start of each turn of combat. If the team participates, the Stormtroopers are automatically eliminated at that time. Additionally, immediately place 3 Wanted counters on that System; the Empire will hear about the presence of a Rebel Commando Team in the area. The team leaves the ship as soon as the ship lands on any System after the last Garrison has been destroyed. This scenario has a 15 Day duration. The number of Bases eliminated determines the character points earned for the scenario.
The special rules covering the Blockading of Corellia and Calamari are in full effect throughout this scenario. The blockade is lifted at the end of this scenario. (4) Courier, or "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." The Empire has stepped up intelligence activities in the sector following the success of the covert operations against their bases. They first broke some of the codes used by the Rebellion, then used the information to round-up and execute several key Rebel agents in the sector. Orders, therefore, must be hand delivered to operatives in the sector until new codes can be established and replacement agents put into the field. Your ship has been selected as the courier vessel to deliver the new orders to the Rebel operatives in the sector. At the start of each Day, just after pay Daily Expenses, you are contacted by a Rebel Agent. The Agent delivers to you the coded information which must be delivered, as well as its destination. Determine the destination randomly, re-roll if the indicated System is the one you are currently in. The coded information will be found if Boarded on a die roll of 8 or less, or during a Detention on a die roll of 11 or less. This information may not be placed in the Secret Hold, it must remain on your person. If it is discovered, you are immediately terminated, game over. The information may not be Jettisoned. You may haul cargo and contraband as normal during the scenario, as well as performing all the usual Activities. Place 1 Wanted counter on the destination System each time you deliver coded information. The information is considered to be successfully delivered after the Check for Space Imperial Entanglements step at the end of the Day. If you do not deliver it at the end of the Day, for any reason, the information is out of date, and the delivery is a failure. Keep in mind that you are not forced to attempt the run. You may decline the delivery due to danger, the need to make ship repairs, etc. But each such refusal still counts as a Day of the scenario. This scenario has a 15 Day duration. The number of character points earned is based on the number of successful deliveries made during the scenario.
(5) Rescue Mission, or "Marching into the Detention Center's not what I had in mind!" Captain Antilles has once again run out of luck and being captured by the Empire. He is been held somewhere in the sector in a temporary Imperial base. You must travel around the sector collecting information as to the Captain's location, then lead a small Rebel strike force to rescue him.
You may only collect information in non-Wilderness Systems. Once in a System, each crew member may attempt to search during each Day. To do this, the crew member selects "Fulfilling Goal" for their Daily Activity. Roll once on the following table during any Day when at least one crew member attempts to search.
Add the Charisma skill of crew members engaged in the search. Before rolling, you may choose to attempt bribery and spend 100 credits to add 1 to your die roll. Before rolling, you may choose to search more openly, place 2 Wanteds on the System and add 2 to your die roll. Only one Lead may be found in each non-Wilderness System. Re-searching a System will not gain additional Leads. A System may be Searched multiple times until its Lead is discovered. Roll once on the following table after each new Lead is discovered. Continue searching for Leads in new Systems and checking for the Location of Captain Antilles until you succeed in locating him.
If you have not discovered the location of Captain Antilles after successfully searching all the non-Wilderness Systems, you fail the mission. Now that you have discovered the location of the Imperial base, you group up with three other small Rebel ships and begin the rescue operation. Your ship must first battle your way past 4 TIE fighters on patrol over the base (conduct a normal space battle). The other Rebel Ships are assumed to be fighting other Imperial forces at this time. Once you have defeated the TIEs, the three other ships will continue to battle other Imperial forces while you land and rescue Captain Antilles on the ground. As you battle your way toward the Captain on the ground, the three other Rebel ships are engaged against Imperial ground and space forces in order to maintain an opening for you to fly the ship through during your escape. Your progress in the ground rescue is measured on a minute-by-minute basis. Conduct one Ground Combat turn (fully resolve any indicated combat) then one Rebel Support turn each minute you are on the ground.
These die rolls may be modified with your own personal Blaster skill. Accumulate the modifiers gained each time you "Run through corridors" or "Locate the detention level."
Subtract one from the die roll for each minute you are on the ground. Once you have rescued the Captain, conduct one last Rebel Support die roll. If the last of the three Rebel Ships is destroyed while you are on the ground, you are captured and it's game over. If the last Rebel Ship is destroyed during the "Blast out into space" turn, then you must defeat 4 TIE fighters before ending the scenario. The Captain has been seriously injured by the Imperial interrogation and may not perform any actions during the scenario. This scenario ends at the end of 20 Days or when Captain Antilles has been rescued, whichever occurs first.
(6) Repay Jabba or "Look, I'll pay you triple!" While smuggling a load of Kessel Spice for Jabba the Hutt, you jettisoned the load as you were about to be boarded. The good news is that you were not arrested and scheduled for summary execution. The bad news is that you owe Jabba 25,000 credits. Now, Jabba knows that you'll pay him as soon as you can, but he does have a reputation to protect, so he's put out a contract on you. So you suddenly find yourself in high demand. You begin this scenario with 2,000 credits. If you are playing an on-going character who has played in previous scenarios, reduce your money to 2,000 credits. For every 1,000 credits that you are forced to lose, you receive 1 Luck circle. Effects of Jabba: Due to Jabba's contract, add Wanted counters to the following Systems: Tatooine (2), Kessel (3), Calimari (1), Corellia (2), and Bespin (1). All crew members in your hire from previous scenarios leave you and return to their listed Systems. Modify the Partner Encounters as follows: If you do not already have a Partner, then treat them as Blaster Duel. If you do already have a Partner, the Partner is killed by one of Jabba's bounty hunters and you immediately suffer the Drunken Spree encounter. You may hire crew members, but due to your situation they charge you double their normal fee, or cost (you can hire "Eyes" but he won't pay you to carry him around anymore). To pay back Jabba, you must spend one Day on Tatooine and select the Fulfill Goal Activity. At that time you must transfer 25,000 credits to Jabba. This scenario ends at the end of 15 Days or when Jabba is paid back, whichever occurs first.
At the end of the 15th Day, Jabba hires Boba Fett to balance the books, and several hours later, he puts "paid" to your account. Game over. Star Wars and all related characters and events are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm LTD and West End Games. Used here with permission.
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