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Encounter DescriptionsAsteroid Field Roll 2d6 and apply all Piloting and Hull & Shield modifiers. Ship suffers one Damage for each point the modified die roll is less than 10. Bad Weather: May not safely leave System for 1d6 Days. If you choose to leave while enduring Bad Weather, resolve a Rough Flight encounter. Once you have resolved the Bad Flight encounter, you may choose to continue exiting the System, or turn back and land again. Blaster Duel Time to shoot it out with some low-life scum. Use the following table to determine the outcome. Apply your own Blaster skill to the die roll.
Corrupt Bureaucrat Pay 100 credits in bribes, plus 100 credits per Wanted in the System, or add an additional +3 to the Day's Spaceport Imperial Entanglement die roll. Cutter Remove 1d6 of Wanteds from the map at no cost, plus one Wanted per 500 credits paid to the Cutter. Dangerous Creature The crew is attacked by a dangerous creature. Treat the Creature as a Stormtrooper for combat purposes. Creature will attack until slain, or all Crew Members are slain. Drunken Spree Use the following table to determine the result of your drunken spree.
Equipment Failure Draw one random Damaged (not Really Damaged) counter and apply it to your ship. Find Cargo Locate an abandoned load of Cargo. You may deliver it to any non-Wilderness System at any time and get paid 500 credits. Get Lucky You gain one luck circle for every 500 credits that you choose to spend. Ion Storm All Shields become Damaged if Functional. No effect if already Damaged. Laying Low Remove two Wanted counters from the map. Misjump Roll on the following table to determine the result of the Misjump.
Apply all Piloting modifiers to Misjump die roll. Misunderstanding A random Crew Member in your hire leaves, and will not work with you again for the remainder of the Scenario. Treat as No Encounter if no Crew Member is in your hire. This encounter has no effect on Partners. Mynocks Sublight Drive Component becomes Damaged if Functional, or Really Damaged if already Damaged. Partner Receive the Crew Member resident to the System (if more than one, choose). Works for no pay (or receive at no Purchase cost). If none available, no effect. A partner remains with you until slain. If your Partner is slain, your next Spaceport encounter is automatically Drunken Spree. Rebel Base Freely upgrade one aspect of your ship (Controls, Turrets, Hull & Shields, or Diagnostics). Rebel Victory Remove 1d6 of Wanted counters from the map. Rough Flight While landing on a planet, or while moving the ship to a new location during your stay, the ship's repulsors fail and you are in danger of crashing. Apply Piloting modifiers and resolve the incident on the following table.
Sabaac Game Choose an amount to bet, 50 credits minimum, then roll on the following table. Treat as No Encounter if you have no credits.
Add your own Charisma to die roll. If you lose the bet and cannot pay the amount due, Lose ship (Game Over) Secret Approach Do not roll for Imperial Entanglements as long as you stay in the new System. Spare Parts Repair 1d6 of Damage. One Point improves a Really Damaged Component to Damaged, or a Damaged to Functional. Stowaway Stowaway pays you 2,000 credits for the ride, but the Space Imperial Entanglements die roll at destination System is at +2. You may not refuse to accept or Jettison the stowaway. Treat the stowaway as Contraband if Boarded or Detained. The stowaway may be hidden in your Secret Hold even if you are carrying Contraband there. Valuable Contact Add 2 to the Day's Cargo or Contraband Availability die rolls. Star Wars and all related characters and events are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm LTD and West End Games. Used here with permission.
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