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The Book:
+3 Cthulhu Mythos x4 Spells 2 days one Spell Summon the Gate to Heaven The book Nightraven has is perhaps one of the most dangerous Mythos texts in existence — not because of its accuracy and insight into the Mythos, but because everything in it is wrong. It was written by Johanes Clayburth in 1889. Clayburth was the leader of a Mormon pilgrimage to California. His caravan stopped in the region that is now New Mexico and discovered a stone slab with peculiar markings. Clayburth remembered the tales of Joseph Smith and his finding of tablets with "strange carvings" and began his attempt to translate the carvings. The stone slab belonging to Andy's grandfather is one such tablet (actually a piece of one of the coffins the Formless Spawn are often found in) and the carvings about the stone tell how to open a Gate to the realm of Tsothoggua. Unfortunately, Clayburth's translation of the symbols on the tablets is corrupt and incomplete, and when the ritual Clayburth suggests is attempted, it will cause an offending energy surge in the Slothful One's lair, thus bringing great irritation to Tsothoggua and his Formless Spawn. Runes Both Clayburth and Nightraven have got it all wrong. In order to perform the spell correctly (and in order to shut down the gate), the runes must be positioned in a magic circle in the proper order. Here are the runes as Nightraven had them:
And here is the correct rune usage, found on Cottonmaker's stone slab:
The players can discover this by way of Andy's old tablet, or by careful examination of Clayburth's book. Back to the Crude Oil Adventure Back to Shadis #27 Table of Contents |