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Provided below are five characters to use with Crude Oil. If you'd like to get the complete characters (along with nifty character sheets) check out the Crude Oil Keeper Kit. Special Agent Phillip Bradbury Bradbury is a 43 year old black haired, blue eyed Bostonian with a heavy accent and a good healthy dose of skepticism. His broad shoulders and piercing gaze make him very intimidating and he's often tempted to use that to his advantage, even when he doesn't have to. Bradbury spent three years in the Secret Service before coming over to the Bureau and he doesn't like talking about why. Bradbury
CON: 13 SIZ: 17 DEX: 11 APP: 10 SAN: 50 INT: 14 EDU: 20 POW: 10 Idea: 70 Know: 99 Luck: 50 HP: 15 Damage Bonus: +d6 The Feds begin with the following Skills: Bargain, Drive Auto, Fast Talk, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Forensics, Grapple, Hide, Law, Persuade, Sneak, Spot Hidden, and Track. Agent Dayron LaRoche LaRoche is a tall black man from Louisiana. He saved up all his life to go to Louisiana State, then moved to Washington to join the Bureau. He's only got a couple years under his belt, and this is the first time he's ever worked with Bradbury. He's quiet and reflective, and very, very Baptist. LaRoche
CON: 13 SIZ: 12 DEX: 15 APP: 13 SAN: 75 INT: 15 EDU: 20 POW: 15 Idea: 75 Know: 99 Luck: 75 HP: 13 Damage Bonus: +d4 The Feds begin with the following Skills: Bargain, Drive Auto, Fast Talk, Firearms, Fist/Punch, Forensics, Grapple, Hide, Law, Persuade, Sneak, Spot Hidden, and Track. CDC Agent Nancy Lynch Nancy is a red haired, blue eyed medical doctor specializing in exotic diseases. She's just on the edge of pretty, the kind of girl who would be if she wanted to be. Nancy's too busy with her studies to be worried about appearances, however. She dresses in blue jeans and t-shirts and isn't afraid to tell someone how rude it is to sneeze without covering your mouth. Lynch
CON: 10 SIZ: 9 DEX: 16 APP: 16 SAN: 50 INT: 17 EDU: 22 POW: 15 Idea: 85 Know: 99 Luck: 75 HP: 10 Damage Bonus: N/A The CDC Agent begins with the following Skills: Biology, Chemistry, First Aid, Latin, Medicine, and Pharmacy Boston Detective Alex Seaton Alex grew up in Boston across the street from Special Agent Bradbury. They've known each other all their lives and are close friends. Seaton is a Red Sox fanatic and knows every detail of their long and illustrious history. He's quick on picking up details and when he's not at the stadium, he's on the shooting range practicing. Seaton
CON: 13 SIZ: 14 DEX: 12 APP: 11 SAN: 50 INT: 13 EDU: 12 POW: 14 Idea: 65 Know: 60 Luck: 70 HP: 14 Damage Bonus: +d4 The two Detectives begin with the following Skills: Bargain, Fast Talk, Fist/Punch, Handgun, Persuade, Psychology, and Spot Hidden. Boston Detective Elliot Abbot Elliot doesn't like being a cop. Dreams of making a difference and touching people's lives who got shattered by nine-year-old drug dealers, apathetic parents and corrupt politicians. He was born a Catholic and still goes to church every Sunday. He hates profanity and comments on others' use of it regularly. Abbot
CON: 13 SIZ: 11 DEX: 14 APP: 16 SAN: 50 INT: 18 EDU: 15 POW: 17 Idea: 90 Know: 75 Luck: 85 HP: 12 Damage Bonus: +d4 The two Detectives begin with the following Skills: Bargain, Fast Talk, Fist/Punch, Handgun, Persuade, Psychology, and Spot Hidden. Back to the Crude Oil Adventure Back to Shadis #27 Table of Contents |