DBM Miscellaneous

by Dusty (dusty103@onramp.net)

All of the following are merely propositions. None need to be taken as criticism, recommendations, or even seriously. The game is the best on the market to begin with, and as some say, 'Why tamper with success?' I guess it's just the nature of a wargamer who is always trying to change history anyway to try and change what already works. If it works for you, great. If it can be improved, I hope I've added something worthwhile. Roll high!

Zone of Control

I don't know about anyone else, but I have a problem with enemy turning on my flank while presenting the flank of his element while within reach of another of my elements. The zone of control is one element width to the front. This is, supposedly (see scale), the move of a heavy foot element.

But what about the move of knights, cavalry, and light horse? Would an enemy unit turn its flank to a known enemy unit who could quickly attack it? My suggestion here is that the zone of control of an element be its movement distance.

If an element is close enough to be able to close to combat, it should be close enough to influence the movement of an enemy so that they don't go dancing across his front or turn their vulnerable flanks to him.


There is a great disparity in scales. These rules were obviously not written for 25mm, and problems exist in smaller scales. For example, in 25s, a second line legionary can fill a gap in the first line when a warband kills an element. In 15s, they are a few millimeters short, or would be close enough to be lost also.

For 25mm heavy foot, if flanked on the end of a line, can recoil three times without running into the rest of the line. With 15s, it can only do so twice, while 6mm can do so eight times.

The 15mm elements should be about 13mm deep for HI and should be able to move an extra few millimeters to be able to make the moves 25s can. The 6mm troops should be based on 15mm or 25mm stands with a few ranks. This would make 6mm look much better as well as behaving as the other scales. Personally, I think 6s based in this manner might look damn good on the table, especially for something as small as DBA.


The one thing I really like about Armati is that all missile weapons can shoot at a distance. It sure adds a lot of fun to the game. It would be nice if the authors could figure a way to do this in DB without breaking the game's mechanics.

Demoralized Tactical Moves

A demoralized command may make one single element tactical move each bound. It seems to me that the general's element should make this move (if he still exists). Otherwise, who else is really capable of pulling troops together to continue to follow orders when they are ready to book?


Lastly, it is extremely difficult to have troops hiding of the edge of woods to charge out of ambush. It takes single element moves. It's not like the others wouldn't see the leader begin the attack and follow. The same goes for a group first entering the woods. I propose that a group entering or exiting difficult going could do so in line. Maybe someone will think it worthwhile to try sometime.