by Dean N. Essig
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Q&AOn the Attrition Table,the +1 modifier says "more than 2 REs but less than 4REs"? Meaning exactly 3REs? (that is, since it is a single unit, not a stack, and a unit can't have 2.5 REs) It should read "at least 2REs, but less than 4REs Please clarify the exact procedure followed on the Dump, Truck & Wagon Capture Table. The issue is how, and in what order to resolve and apply rounding. Examples, please. A player who gets his dumps overrun and captured should not get a break in the process-he has screwed up! Thus, the procedure is: Examples: 25 roll on 3T of trucks. 25% of 3 is .75 = captured/destroyed. Round .75 to 1. The remainder (3 - 1 = 2) trucks or T, Displaces. 1/2 of the 1 captured truck (T) is .5, which rounds to 1. That 1 truck (1T) is captured. 50 roll on 3 trucks. 50% of 3 is 1.5 captured/destroyed. Round 1.5 to 2. The remainder (3-2 = 1) 1 truck Displaces . 1/2 of the 2 captured trucks is 1, which is captured. 75 roll on 2T. 75% of 2T is 1.5 = captured/destroyed. Round 1.5 to 2. The remainder (2-2 = O) displaces (None). 1/2 of the 2T captured/destroyed is 1T, which is captured. Given that a defending (non-phasing) player normally is able to displace at least a T or so of supply from a dump capture upon hex entry, thereby potentially supplying "the next attack down the line" etc.; can the attacking (phasing) player still enter the hex with the enemy's (now abandoned) supply dump and NOT captwre it? NO. You do not have to enter the hex, but if you do enter a hex with enemy supply (alone), you must execute the capture roll, etc. The "attacking" player would either have to sequence his attacks such that the defender could not take advantage of supply displacement, or simply not enter the dump hex (this phase, at least). A Unit (or stack) is in Reserve Mode, and gets Overrwn. Does it lose its Reserve Marker immediately or does one wait for the disposition of attack and resulting positions when the offensive stack completes its move/retreat? The Unit/Stack in Reserve loses it Reserve Mode Marker at the moment the overrun is declared. Do RRs also negate the additional MP cost of fortifications? (p. 25 Series Rules, 16.0, specif es only roads) Yes, RRs also negate. As per 6.2a, Series Rules, "a unit may pay the road/railroad movement cost and ignore other features in the hex or hexside crossed". This applies to Fortifications as well and should be noted in 16.0. ErrataOCS Series Errata
2. On the Barrage Table, the following column and ice combinations should have 1/2, not 1, results:
69-116 @ 5 117+ @ 2-3 3. The order for rounding for Dump Capture needs more explanation and is as follows:
B) Make that % of the dump (the amount captured or destroyed) not round. C) Remainder of dump displaces. D) Halve the Captured-Destroyed amount and round. That much is captured. E) Remainder is lost. 4. A unit cannot enter Reserve Mode if it is adjacent to an enemy unit, that is also the case with Strategic Move Mode. 5. Air units executing an abort are exempt from interception by the air units with which they were just in air to air combat. 6. A unit has its Reserve Marker removed from it the instant an overrun is declared against the hex it is in. 7. Artillery units can never make more than one barrage attack in a single phase. The first sentence in section 12.4 is not meant to imply that Artillery cannot fire at adjacent hexes only that they can fire at hexes further than those which are adjacent. 8. Barrage Table: A player can use modification 1 OR 2 in a single barrage resolution-he may never apply both of them at the same time. 9. DELETE the "exploit result, flip to combat mode" rule. ADD: Units which get an exploit results do not change mode, but may only move at 1/2 of their movement allowance in the Exploitation Phase Released reserve units may still move their full movement allowance after release. 10. The Air Drop Table in the Charts & Tables Booklet and that listed in rule 14.19b conflict. The Charts & Tables version is correct. 4.01 Guderian's Blitzkrleg
2. The 3rd Motorized Division's MC Bn should have the same Move Mode values as any other MC Bn. 3. The Moscow Defend Hexes should be "close" terrain, not "very close." 4. In Scenario 7 and the turn 10 set up, The 19 Pz units should set up in hex A43.25, and A48.25. 5. The "1" unit referred to in the historical set ups of the 3rd Pz is the "1 Rec" unit. 6. Wagon load/unload costs in Deep Snow should be 1 MP (as is the Ca# in Rasputitsa). 7. The Soviet "22 Mtrd Div" listed in scenario 2 should be the 220 Mtrd Div. 8. Optional Count Soviet Tank brigade as 1/2 DSE for supply purposes. If this rule is used, they no longer count as free non-divisional. This rule does not affect artillery, katyusha, and cavalry brigades which remain free non-divisonals paid for by the extra point. Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #7 © Copyright 1992 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |