by Dean N. Essig
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Q&AIn August Fury, scenario 5, assume the Confederate cavalry occupies Haymarket by 7:00pm, August 28, and Ricketts, 213v, etc. arrive at Entry Hex A. Ricketts can' t follow orders and move along the road to Gainesville. He has no attack order and can't use initiative until 9:00pm at the earliest. What can (should) he do within the context of the Command Rules? Then, 2/3v must move to Gainesville via the best available overland route and follows the remainder of its instructions. Must an infantry unit cross bridges in column? This gets very bloody when I try to force a river crossing, such as with Burnside at Antietam! That is correct. In fact, the rules covering crossing in column, via bridge, getting fired upon, and changing formation were designed with forced-crossings in mind, specifically using Burnside's example at Antietam. When firing at two hex range and the LOS is being traced along the hexside between a hex of blocking terrain and one that doesn't block, is the LOS clear or blocked? In such cases the LOS is clear. This is specifically mentioned in the 2nd Edition. (Ignored, of course, in the first.) A close look at this will reveal an exception to our more general ruling that the defender gets the benefit of a doubt. Such is life, but we want the rule to read as above. When rolling for initiative for divisional goals, do I use the initiative points of the division commander or those of the corps commander? Actually, you can use either-either the division commander is getting initiative to tell himself to do something or the corps commander is getting initiative to tell the division commander to do something. While you can use either leader, you may never use both at once. It is best to select the one you want to use and roll for him alone until you get the desired initiative or decide not to get it. Are the slope extreme slopefire modifiers applied when fire is at 2 hex range (or more) and the distance crosses two or more separate elevation changes uphill? As long as the elevation requirement of the slope benefit is fulfilled (i.e. firer is lower than target), the modifier applies regardless of range. Errata1-01 In their Quiet Fields, 2nd Edition
2. 1/3/2 and 2/3/2 are overstacked in the initial set up. Place 1/3/2 in any adjacent hex. 3. A number of Loss Charts were shipped which were improperly printed. If you do not have both Union and Confederate Loss Charts (printed on one big sheet in the 2nd Ed), let us know and we will replace your sheet with a correct one. 4. The Union artillery west of the Antietam violates the 2nd Ed CWB rule regarding artillery supply trains along roads. All Union artillery units west of the Antitam can fire at full strength if they can trace a path to the Union Supply Train of any length along hexes the artillery could move through. 1-03 August Fury
2. The CSA RW Supply arrives at 9:00 a.m., the 29th, at area A. 3. Remove the 3v Supply wagon from both Scenano 2 and 6 set ups. The wagon enters at 5:00 a.m. on the 29th with McDowell which is the first turn of both scenarios and does not begin on the map. 4. H/Cav should be listed as part of the option which includes Hill's Provisional Corps. 5. Hatch is allowed to stack with the artillery with his division as if it were one of his brigades in the set up. He must move to one of his brigades when play begins. 6. In scenario 5, the 3v Supply wagon is on the Arrival Schedule--the set up is correct. 1-04 Barren Victory
2. The Ammo and Casualty tracks for both sides were se up from 1 to 10 instead of 0 to 9. Please use the 10 as the 0. 3. The use of Kershaw and McLaws is not explained. McLaws is an optional unit for use when the "rest of M/l" vanant is used. Kershaw is the normal commander of M/l. When the regular reinforcements of M/l come on the map he is their commander. When the option is used, ignore Kershaw and bring on McLaws instead. 4. The example of forest in the terrain key was omitted. What the forest symbol looks like should be obvious. The use of the words forest and woods in the Terrain notes of the exclusive rules was unfonunate please read woods as open. 5. The dice rolls given as examples in the rules for Lee and Johnston to bypass Wing Structure are incorrect. Johnston needs 11+, Lee needs 9+. The number listed for Bragg (12) is correct. 6. The two optional Reserve Corps Batteries-Rb(5), Rb(2) should be omitted when setting up the game. Where the set up calls for "Reserve Corps, all" it is too easy to forget that these two batteries are optional and should not be set up. Be sure to keep them with the optionals. 7. The reference to "5" in 4.2f should be to 4.2e. 8. When the Union Army panics, the center of the "zone of rout" is measured from Rosecrans himself, and his HQ. 1-05 Bloody Roads South
2. The Off-Map mvt hex for the Rebs should be A201, not A1.01 3. The Divisional Goal listed for 3/5 in Scenano 3 also applies in 4 and 5. 4. 3.1a & 3.1b are not meant to imply that Grant cannot issue orders to division commanders. He can if he wants to, and this would be done with the same column shift on the Acceptance Table as if the receiver was a corps commander. 5. 3.1c: A sentence is incorrect as written. The sentence beginning: "Union corps no longer need to check for acceptance themsives..." should read "Union corps no longer need to check for Corps Attack Stoppage themselves..." 6. In Strategic Victory determination, The Brock Crossing should be worth 2 VPs to either side, not just the Confederates. In Tactical Victory detemmination, "Every 100 enemy casualties" should be "Every 100 enemy Strength Points lost". 7. Add to 1.2f: "Wilderness hexes are negated for straggler recovery purposes if they contaln or are adjacent to trails, roads, railroads, or open terrain features." 1-06 Perryville
2. Our laser printer lopped off the furthest tight loss chart boxes for a few units in their C fire level. Each of the following brigades should have three boxes following the lonely "C" on the Loss Charts:
Union: 34-10-1, 3-1-3, 36-11-3, and 37-11-3 1-07 Embrace An Angry Wind
2. As in Perryville, the Panic and Status rules ate not used in this game. 3. On the Confederate Order of Arrival, the last two entries (10:00pm and 10:30pm) should both be listed as AM amvals (10:OOam and 10:30am respectively). Back to Table of Contents -- Operations #7 © Copyright 1992 by The Gamers. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |