Order of Battle: Wavre

Data supplied by Ed Wimble, George Nafziger, and Scott Bowden

Prussian Defense

III Corps: General von Thielemann (less Limal detachment)
(18,500 infantry, 3,150 cavalry, and 40 guns)

9th Brigade: General von Borcke

10th Brigade: General von Kemphen

11th Brigade: General von Luck

12th Brigade: Colonel von Stulpnagel

III Artillery Corps: Major von Lehmann

III Corps Cavalry: General von Hobe

1st Brigade: Colonel von der Marwitz

2nd Brigade: Colonel von Lottum

Horse Artillery Battery No. 18

Note: The two Kurmark Landwehr cavalry regiments operatedon a detached basis with the infantry brigades. Some sources attribute the 12th (Saxon) Hussars to the III Corps cavalry, but it apparently was not formed in time to participate in the campaign.

Von Borcke, along with the three battalions of the 8th Regiment, one battalion of the 30th Regiment, two battalions of the 1st Kurmark, and Foot Artillery Battery No. 18, were following the other three Prussian Corps to Waterloo, acting as the army's rear guard.

Except for von Borcke's rearguard, Thielemann's corps was not engaged at Ligny. Wavre was its first battle of the campaign. Some sources attribute a 20th Infantry Regiment, to the 10th Brigade, and six foot batteries (one howitzer) to the 11th and 12th Brigades and Artillery Reserve. However, these units were not formed in time to participate in the campaign.

French Attack

Marshal Grouchy's Wing (less Pajol's column at Limal)

II Reserve Cavalry Corps: General Exelmans
(2,750 cavalry and 12 guns)

9th Cavalry Division: General Strolz

10th Cavalry Division: General Chastel

Note: Exelmans' two cavalry divisions led Grouchy's pursuit of Blucher's army from Corbaix (after the Battle of Ligny on 16 June) by way of Dion de Mont.

Strolz's division was the first to arrive at Wavre, followed by most of Chatel's division. The 17th Dragoons (350 men in three squadrons) of Berton's brigade were detached on reconnaissance and would not join the brigade until 19 June. Exelmans' cavaley was only lightly engaged at Ligny, and therefore suffered few casualties prior to arrival at Wavre.

III Army Corps: General Vandamme
(13,400 infantry and 32 guns)

10th Infantry Division: General Habert

8th Infantry Division: General Lefol

11th Infantry Division: General Berthezene

III Corps Artillery Reserve

Note: Habert's division led the attack at Wavre, followed by Lefol. Both were lightly angaged at Ligny. Berthezene fought hard at Ligny and had sustained significant casualties. Domon's 3rd Cavalry Division was detached from III Corps and was fighting at Waterloo, attached to Lobau's VI Corps.

IV Army Corps: General Gerard
(10,750 infantry and 32 guns)

14th Infantry Division: General Hulot de Mazerny

13th Infantry Division: General Vichery

12th Infantry Division: General Pecheux

IV Corps Artillery Reserve

Note: Hulot's division led the IV Corps behind the III Corps and was the only division of IV Corps to fight at Wavre on 18 June. Vichery, followed by Pecheux, were redirected by Grouchy to Limal after the Fench assaults failed to capture the bridge t Wavre. All three divisions had fought hard at Ligny, with Rome's brigade losing over 50% of its men there. Maurin's 6th Cavalry Division was detached and with Pajol.

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