By Hal Thinglum
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By Hal Thinglum - DIVISION AFTER DIVISION 15MM - Roger Dospil of Division After Division, 16710 Bradhe Rd.. Fisherville, KY 40023 sent along some 15mm samples from their Wars of the Roses and Dake Ages lines. First of all, War of the Roses - there are a total of ten packs and three additional medieval mounted knights. For the foot, there are four longbowmen (two standing & two firing), one pikeman (supply your own pike), two billmen standing/advancing), mounted Coustilliers, dismounted Knights and mounted Knights. These are beautifully cast 15mm figures with lots of detail, no flash that I can determine and just plain outstanding figures! The knights are supplied with cast on lances and the horses are very good. From their Dark Ages/Feudal/Medieval Scots line comes two Highland archers (firing/standing), and two Flodden pikemen (one armoured) standing; again supply your own pikes. Very nice figures! This line has 18 packs of figures while their Fedual/Medieval Irsh line has 11 packs; Picts has ten; Medieval Welsh has ten; and Islemen Galloglaich has four.Looking through the rest of their offerings, there are seven packs of Vikings, including casualties; four AngloNormans, five Anglo-Saxons; four 16th C. Japanese, and the most interesting, at least to me, a line of Sikh Wars/lndian Mutiny encompassing 12 packs. Now, to my knowledge, no one makes Sikh War figures in 15mm, do they? I know Dixon makes a small line of 15mm Indian Mutiny figures. If anyonc knows. please drop me a line. There are two packs of Skinners/Sikh irregular horse, Madras and Bombay infantry, Sikh and Bengal Horse Artillery gunners; two packs of Sikh infantry (one with command); and four packs of British infantry in peaked forage cap and covered shako/havlock with command for both. I would be quite interested in seeing what these figures look like. I don't have prices but you might drop Roger a line and include a few stamps for a listing. By Hal Thinglum - 25mm IMPERIALIST ENTERPRISES WAR OF SPANISH SUCCESSION 1702-1714- Robert Haggerty, long-time midwest wargamer has released a fairly extensive lines for the War of Spanish Succession in 25mm pewter. Submitted for review were five French infantry and f'our cavalry. See ad for complete listing in this issue. There are two extremely well done French Musketeers with belly box and plain coat. One is advancing while the other is at ready to fire. The French Guard Musketee is also excellent standing w/musket on left shoulder. These are "true" 25mm figures with lots of detail and I must admit to being very impressed with them.There are also two French officers; both of which could carry flags. The cavalry are a little "Minifigish" except they have more detail. The horses are "heavy" and look it. Bob tells us that horse 111 has two different head positions and three different leg positions. There is a French Dragoon, flag bearer of horse, trooper of horse? and French officer of horse or Dragoons. Infantry figures vary from .85/$1.00 while cavalry are $2.50. At present, there are 20 French and 19 English/Austrians. Imperialist Enterprises, 229 N. 2nd St., Apt C. Elkhart, Ind. 46516-3024 (219-293-4398 after 4PM). A welcome addition for this interesting period of history! By Hal Thinglum - PRAIRIE PRODUCTS COLOR FLAGS - Orv Banasik, 3165 26th Ave., Marion, lowa 52302 sent along three sets of 25mm ACW flags. #32 features the Orphan Brigade from the Atlanta Campaign (4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 2nd Kentucky Volunteers); and Chickamauga (#33); and #34 has eight flags for the Irish Brigade at Antietam - four US flags State flags. Orv offers flags in 6mm ($2.25), 10mm($3.25), 15mm($4.50), 20mm($4.50) and 25mm($4.50) for the ACW (34 sets); Napoleonics (10); ECW (4); Texas Revolution (1): War of 1812 (2); WWII (I); AWI (6); Mexican-American War (2); and Sailing Ships (5). Color is outstanding as is detail. Highly recommended! By Hal Thinglum - 25mm OLD GLORY FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION - Old Glory has released 'Sons of the Desert", a 25mm French Foreign Legion line which is very extensive. T here are eighteen packs of figure (30 foot/$21; 10 mounted/$21.00; command/casualty packs are $ 11.00). Russ Dunaway sent along a lot of foot and mounted riders, but no horses and only one camel. Samples encompassed the Arab packs of foot, camelmen, and horsemen and Legion casualties (three different "dead" figures and two wounded, including a very well done figure falling backwards after being hit in the chest); again, I think casualty figures are very helpful to denote morale status in wargames and I'm always glad to see them. There is a Legion - in overcoat - two man machine gun team w/one firing and one loading. There are six Arab foot carrying knives, pistols, and swords in long flowing robes and also in shorter tunics. I count 26 different horse Arabs including standard bearers, buglers, riflemen, swordsmen, casualty figures, and pistols & swords. Quite extensive, as we have come to expect from Old Glory over the years. There are six different camelmen with rifles, swords, and spears. They fit quite well on the camel with the figure having indentation allowing him to sit on the saddle of the camel. The camel is running and quite nice.They are also offering "Sons ot the Desert" wargames rules ($15) by our own Stephen Lawrence, who is turning into a quite a prolific rules writer; congratulations, Stephen! Also, for $100.00, you can obtain Fort Zinderhoof in high density foam by Hudson & Allen. This line is available from The Emperor's Headquarters. By Hal Thinglum - GUERNSEY FOUNDRY 25MM FIGURE RELEASES - Guernsey Foundry Ltd., La Guelle, Mont Arrive, St Peter Port, Guernsy, GYI 2AA, Channel Islands, UK (01481 714241) has released a number of new figures and announce they have an American distributor, Guernsey Foundry Ltd., 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145 (216-871-4587). First of all, there are ten Old West figures and 12 Victorian bystanders. The nice thing about the "bystanders" is that they can be used skirmish games as "special" figures. For example, there are two homesteaders (wife w/child and man), railroad man, fiddler, reporter, undertaker, gravedigger, storekeeper, saloon girl, black farmhand, Mexican woman, and Chinese labourer. The Old West line has some personality, let me tell you! Hellfire Logan, a preacher w/shotgun holding bible; a snake-oil salesman; cowhand eating beans; and two Mexican infantry in sombrero (one firing, one attacking). I find the Mexican infantry of interest; earlier releases have them in shako and I would think they would fit for any late 1800/early 1900 scenario in Mexico, South or Central America. Lots of potential here for coups! From their growing, high quality 25mm SYW line comes Prussian Musketeers, Grenadiers and Fusiliers; Prussian Friekorps,a nd Prussian Cuirassiers including two on foot (officer, trooper w/carbine, and fatality). For the Cuirassier, there are five variants of two troopers, including one w/separate arm (I've never like separate anything on wargames figures; they are too much of a pain); a beautiful bareheaded trooper firing a pistol, an of ficer, Colonel, NCO, trumpeter, and two standard bearers, one of which is a Gardes Du Corps with cast on standard. Thee are two charging Cuirassier heavy horses. The Freikorps features five each of march attack, advancing, running, and firing variants - and these are pretty "shady" characters -. Two NCO's, including my favorite a "crazed NOC wielding Blunderbuss", drummer,fatality, drinking, and muffled hat. Beautiful figures; great detail! My one concern is that the infantry figures have quite small stands and don't stand well while being painted. I had to "adjust" the stands a bit with a pair of pliers. The Musketeers, Grenadiers, and Fusiliers are all outstanding being in attack march (5 variants again) with NCO's drummers, fifers, a Fusilier pioneer banadages, waving hat/shouting, and standard bearers. There is a wide assortment of foot officers and one mounted Colonel. This rapidly expanding line is highly recommended. By Hal Thinglum WARGAMES FOUNDRY 25mm NAPOLEONIC PRUSSIAN RESERVE, INFANTRY Wargames Foundry, The Foundry, Mount St.,New Basford, Nottingham, NG7 711Xn 1 J K has released 29 infantry Prussian Reserve Infantry. There are six reservists in shell jackets & peaked caps; four officers, six in laced British made uniforms; five in plain British made uniforms; five in British rifleman's uniform; and three in shell jackets and covered shakos. The enlisted men have eight head variants (I like this approach as the units look sufficiently different to stand out a bit) and there are officers, drummers, standard bearers, and NCO's as well as a hornist for the riflemen. Outstanding figures and an very extensive line (762 figures thus far!) Highly recommended for the 25mm Napoleonic wargamer! By Hal Thinglum - VINCE CLYANT OF THE LONDON VVAR ROOM SCRATCH BUILDING The London War Room, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS 39465 (601-584-8533) sent along two beautiful 25mm palm tree sets; one is a dried up waterhole with four palms, while the other has four palms in a row. The stands are terrained very nicely in a mixture of sand/grass. I really like the plam trees; it's very difficult to find good palm trees in the hobby, isn't it! These, however, are good for 25mm! A real surprise was a scratch-built Indian/Sikh two-wheeled wagon with husband and wife, who is holding a baby, and large oxen with hump on his back. The wagon even has supplies in it. Outstanding stuff. Vince! Vince does a lot of scratch building and can build virtually anything you are interested in having done. I don't know what he would charge for the three above named items, but drop him a line with your needs. He responds quickly! Highly recommended! Back to MWAN #85 Table of Contents © Copyright 1997 Hal Thinglum This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |