By Hal Thinglum
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BROOKHURST HOBBIES, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92640 (Phone 714-636- 3580; FAX 714-636-9150) continues to support the hobby by importing U.K. figure lines and making them available at what I believe are reasonable prices considering the cost of shipping figures across the Atlantic! They also are kind enough to support MWAN via regularly sending figure samples for mention within this column. I might also add they are the best organized supplier of figure samples I have encountered as they submit not only the figures, but also separate listings of the entire figure line(s) as well as an information sheet outlining what they are sending for review. Thanks to Mike Heather, Assistant Manager at Brookhurst - fine job, Michael! Makes it much easier for me! I have to think that anyone who is so well organized on a consisting basis re this matter, is going to provide quality service to the customer. Speaking from personal experience, I encountered outstanding mail order service from Brookhurst when I ordered some 20mm Russian Civil War figures and the B&B rules set! First of all, a new line of paints from the U.K. COLOUR PARTY PAINTS - a line of acrylic paints in 30ml bottles for $2.25 each. The line is quite extensive with 66 standard colors; 15 camouflage bottles, eight horse sheens($2.75), six of "Satin & Lace"($2.75) which are intended to "simulate the effects of Satin and Lace on your figures"; six of metallic($2.75); two varnishes ($2.75); 12 of Inks (15 ml for $3.85) which are used for lining or washing; seven types of "Basetex" ($3.85 for 100 ml bottles) which is designed for basing figures (white, sand, dried earth, green, brown, grey and blue); eight of "Reptex" (100 ml bottles for $3.85) for painting buildings; and 14 "Paint Packs",each containing eight 15ml bottles. Submitted for review was the ACW "The Blues" box ($10.98) consisting of bed roll, Federal tunics, Zouave red, buckskin, Federal trousers, Marine tunics, butternut, and shirt white. I have tried some of these colors while painting up some OLD GLORY 15mm ACW figures and they work/look well ! Recommended! From QUALITICAST comes some interesting 20mm figures - from their "Civilian" line, there is a pack of 020: four women standing (two holding baby, two w/carbines for $3.25); while from the Plains Indians Series, pack 3202 has four Indian braves on foot standing and firing bows and rifles; and lastly pack 5302 from the Napoleonic Peninsular Campaign Series has four Spanish guerillas, one of which is a female w/blunderbuss - there are also males with sword and muskets (firing & advancing). If you are into 20mm figures, check out this company - ACW, Ancients, Plains Indians, Napoleonics, Zulu War, and civilians. Also some wagons which are hard to find in 20mm! Good Stuff indeed! From one of my favorite manufacturers FAA - FIGURES ARMOUR, ARTILLERY, comes a variety of periods in 20mm - first of all from their brand new "British Expeditionary Force" for WWII, comes BEF-3 Riflemen advancing (3 for $2.60) and BEF-7 Boyes AT Rifle Team (one team of two advancing and another firing prone for $4.60). From their new Japanese WWII line is pack IJA8 -Company Command Post (five figures for $5.40) - a charging officer (great), charging standard bearer w/o pole, kneeling radioman, kneeling officer w/sword held to ground in left hand looking through binoculars, and running bugler. These will join my WWII Pacific collection! FAA has a new line of Japanese Army Infantry consisting of 16 packs which apparently replaces the old line although three packs of the old line are still available. In the new line, there are platoon command, NCO & MG34 team advancing, rifleman advancing, skirmishing & firing, grenade launchers, company command post, artillery crew, AT Rifle party firing, engineer assault party, Type 92 MMG & crew firing, casualties, 81 mm mortar firing, AT ambush group, and bunker crew w/3 riflemen & LMG. Quite extensive line! High quality figures. I especially like the advancing Boyes AT Rifle team! FAA has released a new 1/72nd line for Vietnam which they report are "a little larger than the normal 20mm miniatures". Thus far, there are 14 packs of figures. Submitted for mention is an interesting pack NAM13 Downed US Helicopter crew consisting of five figures ($5.40) - great figures in a variety of headgrear; would make a fantastic diorama! Very tempting line! Brookhurst also wants us to know that FAA has expanded their artillery range with a German 2cm flak 30 w/trailer and three crew as well as a British 6pdr L/48 ATG. DREW'S MILITIA is another 20mm manufacturer of WWII figures which fits exactly with FAA and has extensive lines for this period! DK9 three German W34 mortars w/crew firing which has three separate mortars along each with three different crew members for $8.50 from their growing "Desert War Range". DREW' S MILITIA has the biggest selection of 20mm WWII figures currently available and their quality is very high. They also offer battlefield fortifications including foxholes, concrete emplacements, bunkers, and foxhole and trench figures. Amazing selection of WWII figures! By the way, DREW'S will soon be releasing Japanese Imperial Navy Marines and Army troops. It's amazing to me what is available in 20mm WWII metal figures! SHQ MINIATURES is another 20mm line which offers WWII, Vietnam, and Gulf War figures and they have just released a 15mm Napoleonic Wars range. SE9 has "Storming Eagles" German Fallschirmijagers consisting of three NCO's w/MP40's ($2.70). Two are kneeling while a third is advancing. They appear to fit in fine sizewise with other WWII 20mm metal figures. Looking over the listing, they offer a US landing craft crew ($5.25) and five interesting packs of Partisans for WWII. Thus far, the Gulf War line has six packs of British infantry and four of Iraqi infantry. WARGAMES FOUNDRY is another UK firm imported by Brookhurst and they sent 25mm SIKH WAR figures SK135-139 for mention. These are Akalis fanatics, a religious group which fought for the Khalsa. There is a leader, two fanatics advancing (w/two swords and w/steel quoit & sword), throwing quoit, and charging w/sword raised). The steel quoits were worn on the turban and they were thrown prior to contact with the enemy. Outstanding, fierce looking figures. No prices listed. Brookhurst would also like us to know they carry the 1/76th (20mm) white metal kits by MMS CLASSIC MODELS consisting of German, British, and American vehicles with accessory packs of tank riders, tank crews, S.P. crew, Pak crews in winter and summer uniforms, and much more. Lastly, Brookhurst offers 1ST CORPS outstanding UNIFORM PAINTING GUIDE TO THE MEXICAN/AMERICAN WAR 1846-48 ($ 17.95). I remember years ago looking for uniform painting information for this period, and it was very hard to find. This excellent booklet has painting information for what would appear to be all of the Mexican and American army infantry, cavalry, and artillery units in the conflict. They have very nice color pictures of the uniform and facings using the FUNKEN approach where they show facings and coat. They also have lots of information on army organization as well. Most highly recommended! Back to MWAN #81 Table of Contents
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