by Tom Barkalow
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I've played Napoleon's Battles (NB) for several years, mostly in games put on by other people and using their figures. As I'm very much an intermittent painter (more off than on), it takes me awhile to amass sufficient figures to use in a game. I have been painting British and Portuguese units for the Peninsular Campaign based scenarios and using the Salamanca scenario as a rough guide for the number of figures to complete. Then late last year while checking out miniatures related homepages on the Internet, I found a roster for NB posted by Bill Armentrout. His roster lists all the troops needed to play all the scenarios in the original scenario booklet and the first module. It is very detailed, easy to understand, and gives some options on how to deal with the changes in uniforms that occurred over the period covered by NB. I gladly downloaded the roster and printed a copy for myself and my best gaming buddy, Rick Stoffel. If you get on the Internet, you can directly access Bill's roster at URL: Neat as this list is, I find it somewhat discouraging. For example, the total number of figures required for the French Army is 2110. I might be able to paint that quantity of figures given a decade or so. In addition, I found myself wondering what changes would be needed to add the remaining "official" scenarios from the second module and the listed magazine articles. I also wondered how many command figures are needed (Bill's roster doesn't include these). Before I quite knew what I was undertaking, I started to recreate the roster scenario by scenario. Aside from finding the inevitable minor errors that will pop up in such an extensive list, I discovered that Bill's roster was dominated by two "monster" scenarios: Borodino and Leipzig. The second module has a new "monster" scenario - Wagram. I came to this conclusion after tallying figure totals for each scenario and arbitrarily breaking them into four categories. Small scenarios were those with a total of 600 or less figures and which I felt could be played by two people in an afternoon or evening (some can be played twice in that time!). I assigned the medium category to scenarios with a combined total of between 600 to 1200 figures. These should be playable using several people on a side and probably could be finished in a 6-8 hour gaming session. Large scenarios were those with over 1200 figures, but less than double that number. I've played in a couple of these as a corps commander, but never to a finish. Maybe six to eight turns were completed in a long session and then folks from each side would argue about who would win if the game was continued (sound familiar?). "Monster" scenarios were those with a total of over 2400 figures (Borodino is borderline at 2494). An interesting result of this categorization was 15 of the 25 "official" scenarios fall in the small and medium categories and that all the major nationalities are represented in at least one of these scenarios. The total figures needed for any one nationality also is smaller than given in Bill Armentrout's roster. For example, the French total is 1031 (616 if you're willing to substitute figures for special figures required by only one scenario). As one would expect, all of the Peninsular Campaign scenarios are included. These small and medium sized scenarios are: #1-Revolutionary Ardor (1794), #2-Austrians at Bay (1809), #3-Marengo, #4-Auerstadt, #6-Talavera, #9-Valmy, #11 -Corunna, # 13-Ocano, #14-Salamanca, #16- Craonne, # 17- 1814 Demonstration Game, #18-Villa Costa (COURIER Issue 58), #19-Quatre Bras (Avalon Hill GENERAL Issue 26-6), #22-Vimiero, and #24-Albuera. I then developed a roster for these small to medium scenarios which is presented here. For each nationality I identify the total number of figures needed. The commander stand types are listed first followed by all cavalry units, then all infantry units, and finishing with all artillery types. Each listing presents the unit's title, NB abbreviation, total number of figures (and gun models), the total number of infantry/cavalry units or commander/artillery stands, the distribution of unit sizes within that total, and the scenario numbers where the unit type is used. Alternate information is given in brackets with a bracketed note following the nationality title explaining the basis for the alternate. Some example listings:
148 figures; 7 units; 2x6s, 5x5s; # 14, 18, 22, 24 This means that a total of 148 Portuguese Line Infantry figures organized into 7 units will be sufficient figures for you to field the units used in Scenarios # 14, 18, 22, and 24. The "2x6s, 5x5s" means "2 units of 6 stands each, 5 units of 5 stands each" which describes the unit organizations.
4 figures; 3 stands; 1x2f, 2xlf; # 19 This means that 4 Dutch-Belgian command figures on three command stands are sufficient to play Scenario # 19. The "1x2f, 2xlft' means 1 command stand contains 2 figures (and should be sized accordingly) and the remaining two figures are each mounted on a 1 figure command stand.
8 figures, 4 guns; 4 stands; # 1, 4, 6, 11, 13, 14, 22, 24 This means that having 8 French Horse Artillery crew figures with 4 gun models mounted on 4 stands will cover the required 4-lb artillery units for the eight scenarios listed. The total number of stands/units for each listing is based on the largest number used in any of the pertinent scenarios. Required unit sizes can vary quite a bit from scenario to scenario. As smallest units can be made up from larger units through removal of stands, the number of smaller units listed may be less than given in some scenarios. In these cases enough larger units exist that are not required by the scenario that they can be used to make the smaller units. The listed units should be well achievable by most wargamers and provide a good mix of unit types for each nationality. I intend on producing a similar roster for the large scenarios. Enjoy! ! ! AUSTRIA314 figures, 6 guns Austrian Commanders 12 figures; 9 stands; 1x3f, 1x2f, 7xlf; # 2, 3 Austrian Light Cavalry (AsLC) 40 figures; 3 units; 1x4s, 2x3s; # 2, 3 Austrian Line Infantry (AsLN) 156 figures; 6 units; 1x7s, 3x6s, 1x5s, 1x4s; # 2, 3 Austrian Light Infantry (AsLT) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 2 Austrian Grenadier Infantry (AsGN) 36 figures; 2 units; 1x5s, 1x4s; # 3 Austrian Grenz Light Infantry (AsGRZ) 24 figures; 1 unit; 1x6s; # 2, 3 Austrian Freikorps Infantry (AsFKI) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 2 Austrian 12-lb Heavy Arty (Asl2#) 6 figures, 2 guns; 2 stands; # 2 Austrian 6-lb Horse Artillery (As6#) 2 figures, 1 gun; 1 stand; # 2 Austrian 3-lb Horse Artillery (As3#) 8 figures, 4 guns; 4 stands; # 3 BRITISH COALITION FORCESBRUNSWICK: 63 [55] figures, 1 gun [Remove BwLW from roster and increase BwLT to reflect actual forces present.] Brunswick Commanders 1 figure; 1 stand; 1xlf; # 19 Brunswick Light Cavalry (BwLC) 12 figures; 1 unit; 1x3s; # 19 Brunswick Line Infantry (BwLN) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 19 Brunswick Light Infantry (BwLT) 16 [28] figures; 1 unit; 1x4s [1x7s]; # 19 Brunswick Landwehr Infantry (BwLW) 16 [0] figures; 1 [0] unit; 1x4s [0]; # 19 Brunswick 6-lb. Horse Arty (Bw6#) 2 figures, 1 gun; 1 stand; # 19 HANOVER: 36 figures Hanover Line Infantry (HnLN) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 19 Hanover Landwehr Infantry (HnLW) 20 figures; 1 unit; 1x5s; # 19 NASSAU: 40 figures Nassau Line Infantry (NsLN) 40 figures; 2 units; 2x5s; # 19 NETHERLANDS/BELGIUM: 44 figures, 2 guns Dutch-Belgian Commanders 4 figures; 3 stands; 1x2f, 2xlf; # 19 Dutch-Belgian Light Cavalry (DbLC) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 19 Dutch-Belgian Line Infantry (DbLN) 20 figures; 1 unit; 1x5s; # 19 Dutch-Belgian 6-lb Horse Arty. (Db6#) 4 figures, 2 guns; 2 stands; # 16 PORTUGAL: 160 figures Portuguese Light Cavalry (PtLC) 12 figures; 1 unit; 1x3s; # 14, 18,- 24 Portuguese Line Infantry (PtLN) 148 figures; 7 units; 2x6s, 5x5s; # 14, 18, 22, 24 SPAIN: 588 [334] figures, 5 [1] guns [Does not include figures for #13-Ocano. Even the scenario writer says it is one-sided!] Spanish Commanders 13 [11] figures; 10 [9] stands; 1x3f, 1x2f, 8xlf [1x3f, 8xlf]; # 6, 13, 14, 24 Spanish Light Cavalry (SpLC) 76 figures; 5 units; 4x4s, 1x3s; # 6, 13, 24 Spanish Militia Cavalry (SpMC) 12 figures; 1 unit; 1x3f; # 24 Spanish Line Infantry (SpLN) 380 [184] figures; 18 [9] units; 1x7s, 6x6s, 8x5s, 3x4s [1x7s, 2x6s, 3x5s, 3x4s]; # 6, 13, 14, 24 Spanish Light Infantry (SpLT) 28 figures; 1 unit; 1x7s; # 6, 13, 24 Spanish Guard Infantry (SpGD) 24 [0] figures; 1 [0] unit; 1x6s [0]; # 13 (The scenario adds this unit as an option.) Spanish Militia Infantry (SpMI) 44 [20] figures; 2 [1] units; 1x6s, 1x5s [1x5s]; # 6, 13, 24 Spanish 12-lb Heavy Artillery (Spl2#) 3 figures, 1 gun; 1 stand; # 6 Spanish 4-lb Horse Artillery (Sp#4) 8 [0] figures, 4 [0] guns; 4 [0] stands; # 13 (The scenario uses 1 stands, but adds 3 more as an option.) FRANCE1031 [616] figures, 15 [7] guns [Assumes following figure substitutions: FrLN for FrRLN, FrMLN, & FrYGD; FrLT for FrRLT; Frl2# for FrG12#; Fr4# for Fr6# & FrG6#; and use of grenadier figure stands from FrLN units for the FrGN unit.] French Commanders 31 figures; 21 stands; 1x4f, 1x3f, 5x2f, 14xlf; # 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24 French Heavy Cavalry (FrHC) 48 figures; 3 units; 1x5s, 1x4s, 1x3s; # 3, 9, 17, 19 French Light Cavalry (FrLC) 96 figures; 6 units; 2x5s, 2x4s, 2x3s; # 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24 French Guard Heavy Cavalry (FrGHC) 24 figures; 2 units; 2x3s; # 16 French Guard Light Cavalry (FrGLC) 24 figures; 2 units; 2x3s; # 16 & 19 French Line Infantry (FrLN) 292 figures; 13 units; 2x7s, 6x6s, 3x5s, 2x4s; #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, [9], 11, 13, 14, [16], 17, 18, 19, 22, 24 French Light Infantry (FrLT) 72 figures; 3 units; 1x7s, 1x6s, 1x5s; # 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, [9], 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24 French Grenadier Infantry (FrGN) 20 figures; 1 unit; 1x5s; # 3, 9, 22, 24 French Old Guard Infantry (FrOGD) 44 figures; 2 units; 1x7s, 1x4s; #16 (For painting purposes note that FrOGD incorporates both the Old Guard and Middle Guard forces.) French Young Guard Infantry (FrYGD) 112 figures; 7 units; 7x4s; # 16 (Check the # 16 unit stats. These units are "Young Guard" in name only as they cannot "all out attack." They are the equivalent of the French Veteran Line Infantry used in # 15.) French Veteran Young Guard Infantry (FrVYGD): 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 16 (These are honest-to-God Young Guard.) French ex-Royal Line Infantry (FrRLN) 116 figures; 6 units; 2x6s, 1x5s, 3x4s; # 9 French ex-Royal Light Inf (FrRLT) 20 figures; 1 unit; 1x5s; # 9 French Mass Line Infantry (FrMLN) 80 figures; 4 units; 2x6s, 2x4s; # 9 French 12-lb Heavy Artillery (Fr12#) 9 figures, 3 guns: 3 stands; # 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 17, 18, 19 French 12-lb Guard Hvy Arty (FrG12#) 9 figures, 3 guns; 3 stands; # 16 French 6-lb Horse Artillery (Fr6#) 6 figures, 3 guns; 3 stands; #2, 17, 18, 19 French 6-lb Guard Horse Arty (FrG6#) 4 figures, 2 guns; 2 stands; # 16 & 19 French 4-lb Horse Artillery (Fr4#) 8 figures, 4 guns; 4 stands; # 1, 4, 6, 11, 13, 14, 22, 24 FRENCH ALLIESHESSE - 20 figures Hessian Line Infantry (HsLN) 20 figures; 1 unit; 1x5s; # 6, 13 HOLLAND - 16 figures Holland Line Infantry (HdLN) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 6, 13 POLAND: 60 figures Polish Light Cavalry (PdLC) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 6 Polish Legion Infantry (PdLEG) 44 figures; 2 units; 1x6s, 1x5s # 6, 13, 24 SPAIN46 figures, 1 gun Spanish Light Cavalry (SpLC) 12 figures; 1 unit; 1x3s; # 6, 24 Spanish Guard Infantry (SpGD) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 6 Spanish Grenadier Infantry (SpGN) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 13 Spanish 4-lb Horse Artillery (Sp4#) 2 figures, 1 gun; 1 stand; # 6 GREAT BRITAIN322 figures, 2 guns British Commanders 12 figures; 10 stands; 1x3f, 9xlf; # 6, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24 British Heavy Cavalry (BrHC) 12 figures; 1 unit; 1x3s; # 6, 14, 24 British KGL Heavy Cavalry (BrKHC) 12 figures; 1 unit; 1x3s; # 14 British Light Cavalry (BrLC) 28 figures; 2 units; 1x4s, 1x3s; # 6, 14, 18 British Line Infantry (BrLN)168 figures; 9 units; 1x6s, 4x5s, 4x4s; # 6, 11, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24 British Light Infantry (BrLT) 52 figures; 2 units; 1x7s, 1x6s; # 6, 14, 18, 19, 22 British Guard Infantry (BrGD) 32 figures; 2 units; 2x4s; # 6, 14, 19 British 6-lb Horse Artillery (Br6#) 4 figures, 2 guns; 2 stands; # 14, 18, 24 PRUSSIA625 [462] figures, 16 [6] guns [Does not include figures for # 4 - Auerstadt. This has the reputation of being a pretty lopsided scenario for which it may be hard to find someone to play the French side.] Prussian Commanders 19 figures; 12 stands; 1x4f, 1x3f, 2x2f, 8xlf; # 1, 4, 9, 17 Prussian Heavy Cavalry (PrHC) 72 [28] figures; 5 [2] units; 1x5s, 1x4s, 3x3s [1x4s, 1x3s]; # 1, 4, 9, 17 Prussian Guard Infantry (PrGD) 20 [0] figures; 1 [0] unit; 1x5s [0]; # 4 Prussian Light Infantry (PrLT) 16 figures; 1 unit; 1x4s; # 1, 4, 9 Prussian Landwehr Infantry (PrLW) 64 figures; 4 units; 1x4s; # 17 Prussian Light Cavalry (PrLC) 92 [84] figures; 6 units; 1x5s, 3x4s Prussian 12-lb Heavy Arty (Prl2#) 2x3s [3x4s, 3x3s]; # 1, 4, 9, 17 30 [9] figures, 10 [3] guns; 10 [3] stands; # 1, 4, 17 Prussian Landwehr Cavalry (PrLWC) 28 figures; 2 units; 1x4s, 1x3s; # 17 Prussian Line Infantry (PrLN) 208 [192l fiaures: 9 units; 1x7s 5x6s, 3x5s [1x7s, 4x6s, 1x5s, 3x4s]; Prussian 6-lb Horse Artillery (Pr6#) 10 [6] figures 6 [3] guns; 5 [3] stands; #1, 4, 9, 17 Prussian Howitzer Artillery (PrHFA) 2 [0] figures, 1 [0] gun; 1 [0] stand; # 4 Prussian Grenadier Infantry (PrGN) 64 [16] figures; 3 [1] units; # 1, 4 RUSSIA256 figures, 7 guns Russian Commanders 22 figures; 14 stands; 1x4f, 1x3f, 3x2f, 9xlf; # 16 Russian Light Cavalry (RsLC) 40 figures; 3 units; 1x4s, 2x3s; # 16 Russian Cossack Light Cavalry (RsCLC) 36 figures; 3 units; 3x3s; # 16 Russian Line Infantry (RsLN) 92 figures; 5 units: 3x5s, 2x4s; # 16 Russian Jager Infantry (RsJG) 48 figures; 3 units: 3x4s; # 16 Russian 12-lb Heavy Artillery (Rs12#) 12 figures, 4 guns; 4 stands; # 16 Russian 6-lb Horse Artillery (Rs6#) 6 figures, 3 guns; 3 stands; # 16 Back to MWAN #81 Table of Contents
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