by Hal Thinglum
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It's Easter Sunday; yesterday I put the family on an airplane for Upper Michigan and went to work on MWAN #81. Fortified by numerous cups of coffee and my favorite CD' s (Hall & Oates, Elvis Costello, Mike & the Mechanics,and the Russian Easter Overture by Rimsky-Korsakov), I've been sitting at the computer for about eighteen hours interrupted only by five hours of sleep and the necessary calls of nature and I'm almost done! Last night I made my famous "grease-burgers" on the grill outside - huge hamburgers with an egg, flour, crackers or bread, salt & pepper, and lots of onions mixed in and then grilled! I'm surprised I was able to sleep last night! About ten days ago, MWAN arrived in my garage via UPS. The next day, a large order from Wargames Foundry found its way to my mailbox and the next day a smaller package from Redoubt Miniatures came filled with items for my Sikh War Project! What do I do first, I wondered? Look at my toys or get MWAN put together for the mailing? Actually, I did none of the above, as I had to fill in for a week for a Home Health Speech Pathologist who went on vacation. I took three days off from work and drove around the Chicagoland area daydreaming of my Sikh War project. Wasn't able to attend the Seven Years War Association Convention as planned because of it. Had hoped to meet my old friend Vince Clyant of The London War Room - sorry, Vince. Finally, last Thursday night I got the energy to start working on MWAN and brought it to the post office Friday. I then had the chance to briefly examine the contents of my packages - I love doing that before starting this issue. When I finish this editorial, I'm going to take some time to go down the basement and fondle lead figures! I'm very excited about this project - I can't believe the extensive line Wargames Foundry has put together for this period! British, Native, and Sikh regular and irregular infantry, cavalry, and artillery. Supplemented by Richard Houston's Lyzard's Grin Sikh War items and a few items from Redoubt Miniatures Wellington in India line - unfortunately their figures are large 25mm's; too big to fit in with the other two - I shall have an extensive collection for this period and I am anxious to see them on the tabletop! Peter Helm of Redoubt Miniatures recently informed me they are redoing their 25mm Peninsular War line and sent along some outstanding British Rifles figures! Charles Grant wrote and informed me that the address provided for obtaining his book Wargame Campaigns was incorrect and should be CSG Publications, 3 York Rd., Upavon, Wiltshire, SN9 6BQ, UK. Stone Mountain Miniatures, PO Box 675, Brighton, CO 80601-0675 announces they will donate a portion of the profits from the sales of their 1 5mm ACW line to the Civil War Battlefield Preservation Fund. David Babb stated "This is a way to insure that this part of our national heritage will be available for future generations to appreciate. It is a way for us to help in the preservation of the memories of the events and people that shaped our nation." A fine gesture, Dave! I want to sincerely thank everyone who responded to my request for articles. The outpour was terrific! I am most appreciative of the kindness(es) MWANers have extended to me regarding this matter and I am sure you will all join me in thanking them as we all benefit from their output! Please don't stop sending articles, however. As you can tell, this issue of MWAN is even bigger than #80 which increased to 160 pages from 144. One of the factors influencing me to increase to 192 pages was the number of articles I received and I shall greatly need your continued support, via producing articles, to fill up MWAN each issue! Although my planning for 1996 did not include a color cover (Rinck Heule, MWAN's printer, took care of that me!), I did figure in an increase in pages for 1996, along with the format change. I hope that you are pleased and satisfied with the changes MWAN has undergone in the last five issues. I certainly am as it has remotivated me and we all need that once in awhile, don't we! It has always been my intention to make MWAN exactly what I want it to be and to give as much value for the money as is possible. What you see before you is, I believe, the result of that aim. I feel a need to strongly thank all of you: the subscribers, advertisers, writers, typists, hobby shops carrying MWAN, columnists, John Butler (who makes the address labels and thus, saves me a lot of time), and figure companies who send in samples. Fourteen years ago, when I started MWAN, I never could have imagined it would be what it has become. Resubscriptions, by the way, for 1996 have been over 90% thus far. Thanks very much to all of you! A reminder to those of you who move. Bulk mailing items are NOT forwarded to your new address. They are supposed to be returned to the sender, however, in fourteen years, I've received one MWAN back from the post office! My policy has always been that when someone sends me an address change, I put a copy of the last issue in the next bulk mailing for them at no charge. I really don't believe any other magazine provides this service. Please don't ask me to send you another copy ASAP through the regular mail as it does get expensive as an awful lot of you move around frequently and I have to keep costs down as much as possible. Again, I would repeat that I am very pleased with the manner in which MWANers approach me regarding "problems" with their subscriptions. I have never had a "rude" letter/phone call concerning this issue and I greatly appreciate your understanding when I make an error on your subscription. Boy, do we have some good articles in this issue and for the future! This issue, instead of retyping all of the letters for the Letters column - don't know why I didn't think of this before - I scanned all of the typed letters into my computer and then went back and cleaned them up. Saved me a good five hours or so! If you can, please type your letters. Also, if you send a disk, also send me a hard copy as well in case I can't access your disk - which happens from time to time. Its simply amazing what computers allow me to do and I really don't know much about them! PIQUET! is now available; these rules by Bob Jones have attracted a lot of attention prior to their publication and I am anxious to see them. Apparently, they will be offering many modules covering different periods of historical wargaming as well as a newsletter devoted to the rules. Sounds like a "complete" package. Congratulations Robert! Jim Birdseye, 3411 Kerry Place, August, GA 30909 (706-737-5735) is holding a "Introductory" and "Advanced" Military History Camp at Augusta Preparatory Day School in June of this year. The Introductory course ($100/for one week) is June 17-21 while the Advanced course ($110/week) is June 24-28. "Students will develop an understanding of the concepts of strategy and tactics along with the role technology plays in the transition of strategic thinking. Students will also learn painting techniques, historical gaming systems, and research skills." The cost of the course covers rules books, miniatures, paints, etc. Jim sent along some interesting materials which I have passed on to John Stafford who will mention them in his next column. I find this concept very interesting. Perhaps you could do an article on the concept, James. GAMA (The Game Manufacturers Association) is looking for historical miniatures events for ORIGINS (July 4-7, 1996). Dave Babb (of Stone Mountain fame), President of GAMA, reports "In 1995, there were over 120 historical miniature events at ORIGINS, and this year we are looking to double that figure." Dave can be contacted at 303-654-7989 or FAX 303-659-9024. Please contact him ASAP for an events form if you are interested in hosting a game. I'd be interested in hearing from MWANers as to possible boardgames which have the capability to be used with miniatures when doing campaign games. I'm sure we have a number of MWANers who have been involved in both facets of the hobby and are quite knowledgeable on the subject and could put together a helpful article.. I've been looking for English Civil War boardgames for this purpose. I'd really like to find something for the NWF period but don't recall having seen anything done on it. Drop me a letter/article if you have information to share with others! FREI KORPS 15 announces they are changing over to a "softer", less brittle metal. I am very glad to hear this because although they have an extensive, very attractive line of 15mm figures in a number of interesting periods, their figures have been prone to breakage due to the brittle metal. Over the years, I've had the chance to examine a number of their lines; specifically the Franco-Prussian War and to a lesser degree, their ECW line, and I have been highly impressed with their cavalry figures and guns. The horse are one-piece castings, which I prefer in 15mm scale, and fit in very well with a variety of other 15mm figures. The guns are excellent! They have a very extensive SYW line. I am very anxious to see their new efforts! Drop Cameron Robinson a line and pick up a catalog. They have an excellent airmail service at most reasonable prices. Glad to see you making this change, Cameron. Good luck! EHQ and OLD GLORY have released MWANer Stephen Lawrence's Wild West rules WARPAINT! As you know, Stephen is an exceedingly creative individual who puts together "easy-to-play" rules and I think you'll enjoy his efforts. Congratulations, Stephen - hope to see more of your rules being published in the future! OLD GLORY also released a line of 25mm figures for the period and Stephen informs me they are very good! Be watching for additional new releases from OLD GLORY in '96. I hear some very interesting things about new figure lines! Back to MWAN #81 Table of Contents
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