by Curt Murff
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500 Nations - An Illustrated History of North American Indians, Alvin M. Joseph, Jr., Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1994 - A large format book filled with drawings and illustrations and a wealth of information on the tribes of North America from Cahokia and Hodenosaunee, to the demise of the Indian nations in the Southwest. This book has a section dealing with "Empires of the Sun," "Clash of Cultures," "European Expansion," "The Cauldron of War," "Loss of the East," "Struggle For the West," and "The End of Freedom." I found much of the information useful and all of it interesting. This book is available through the various mail order book companies, and at many of the local book shops. The Viking Art of War, Paddy Griffith, Greenhill Books, London, Stackpole Books, Pennsylvania, 1995 - An of ficial U.S. Government employee has just delivered a box of books I ordered from a book discounter. Packed inside was this book. Don't you love the way a new book cracks when you first open it to view the contents. Alright, it is another period that I have figures for, but haven't really done much with. This book and my latent fascination with the Dark Ages will move me to get moving on this period again. I will have to dust off that Norman motte and bailey fort (25mm of course), and raid it with a suitable horde of Vikings. This book claims to "explain the Viking art of war, and to cut through the legends to establish the facts." The chapters are titled "A Military Analysis of the Vikings, The Causes of Viking Expansion, Strategic Mobility, The Viking Notion of Strategy, The Composition of Armies, Arms and Armor, Battle, and Conclusion: The Vikings' Place in the Evolution of the 'Art of War." In this book are a large number of tables and figures (No, I mean illustrations Igor, not a new line of figures), and even a Glossary. I will be reading this book soon. Then I'll have to watch the movies again of course, "The Warlord," "The Viking, etc." The Trojan Wars (and more), Redoubt Figures from The Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163, Yuba City, CA 95993-8611 - Well, the "hero" figures I ordered, just for the purpose to review for you gentle readers have arrived. Achilles, Paris Agememmon, etc. After seeing them my thoughts turned to rebuilding Troy, and even a piece or two of siege equipment, the "Trojan Horse", etc. These figures are very well done. They have crisp detail. Most of the figures have separate shields. I showed them unpainted to friends, and even that reclusive, little known authority on wargaming, Bob Pavlik, was heard to say he liked them. After he saw these figures, I heard him muttering about "...50 man armies..." again. I have received additional information on this range of 25mm figures to designed for the battles of the ancient Mycenean and Minoan period. This range currently includes Paris, Ajax, Agammemnon, Odysseus, Priam, Sarpedon, Helen, Achilles, Hector (with shield bearers) or in a chariot with running shield bearer $18.50, three light chariots, six different packs of spear men, and two packs of archers. These items are priced from $4.50 for a Homeric hero, to $7.50 for the pack of archers, to $16.50 for the light chariot with two horses, warrior in full armor with shield, and driver, and $13.50 for a pack of six spear men. Three more packs of spear men have will be released as of April 1996, including three types of spear men charging in different curaiss, helmets and armor. These troops are available with two different type of shields, tower or figure of eight shapes. The drawings of the figures included for pack T5 "six spear men in linen cuirass, bronze helmet, advancing" show six different figures with different heads, poses and helmets types. The sheet for this range also states "The Great Coach" (1630 to 1700) with four horses is now available for the ECW and Musketeers periods for $48.00. Rider, guard and two passengers (is it Lady de Winter?) is priced at $9.00, or the same figures suitable for the ECW period are the same price. See Wargame Figure Review for more details and illustrations about the Trojan War range of miniatures.--RL Accurate Dimensional, 4185 South Fox Street, Englewood, CO 80110, Mark & Debra Huddleston (303) 762-0460 - I received the trees ordered from this company which specializes in making "Realistic Scale Trees." for professional model makers, architects, etc. The various type of trees this company makes look very good with my figures. I am very impressed with the appearance of these trees, especially the birch trees. The trees have realistic foliage and textured trunks. All these trees come unbased, with a wire protruding from the bottom of the trunk (the armature used for the tree trunk construction). I have used these wires to hold the trees on my (Styrofoam) terrain squares and pieces by pushing them into the hills, which eliminates the need for bases and allows secure placement of trees on steep slopes. The wire does make a small hole in the terrain piece, and this could become a problem with extended use, or a tree flattening, unbalanced wargamer, oops!. Accurate Dimensionals produce summer foliage in three colors, fall radiance in three colors, fruit trees in bloom in two colors, and conifers in two colors. All the trees are in various heights from 1" to 9", priced individually from $3.39 to $3.89 for 1" trees, to $13.79 to 16.79 for 9" trees. I am told these are also available in "bubble style packaging, in some stores. As you may realize, these are not inexpensive, but they look very nice. Regal Miniatures, 609 Euclid Ave., Des Moines, IA, 50313 (515-984-6470) - This company run by Darryl J. Sheldon distributes NAVWAR, Heroics & Ros, Roundway Miniatures, and Naismith Design. Roundway 1 Smm line includes, the Great Northern War (Swedes & Russians), Marlborough Period, Jacobite Rebellion, Medieval to Renaissance, and Napoleonic figures. Heroics & Ros lines include WWII infantry (1 :300th), WWII aircraft, WWII Micro tanks, figures and landing craft in the same scale, 1:300 modern aircraft, vehicles and figures, ACW, Napoleonics, Colonials, Marlburian and ancients. The Elite Group, Keith Leidy, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, IL 60015 (847)-940- 7617 Rules and figures and ships and tanks, and 20mm WWII, WWI, U.S. Cavalry and the Wild West, Pancho Villa, Crimean War, Napoleonic and Colonials, and pirates and Mycenian and Musketeers, and Macho Women With Guns(!), the Maori Wars, the Kikuyu Revolt, the Kingdom of Kongo, flags, and on and on. These figures come from Britannia, Strategem, Redoubt, "Howard's Hues" (I really like the horse colors set myself), and buildings from Village Green (6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 25mm). He even has a buffalo herd, and a 3 skinned buffalo pack. The range of Village Green buildings is overwhelming from the many drawings in Keith's catalogue. Village Green also lists 25mm Viking and Saxon forts and buildings, WWII stuff, bridges (destroyed or not), stone and timbered buildings, canoes, steamers, pirate ships, Viking ships, longboats, crews and accessories, whew! Get in touch with him to see if he has what you need, want desire! So many periods and so little time. Flex-Terrain Models, c/o Jim Brokaw, 3611 Quail Ridge Lane, Matthews, NC 28105 - Jim offers prefinished and unfinished models of dirt roads, ponds banks, streams, etc., in various scales from 6mm to 25mm. These are available in sets or by the piece. Jim's catalog sheet states these pieces bend and flex over various terrain features for a good appearance. He also offers paints to finish these models if you chose to buy the unfinshed models. Chariot Miniatures, available from Pharoh's Arms, P.O. Box 579, Merrickville, Ontario, Canada KOG1N0, (613) 269-2557 - They announce a new 10mm Franco-Prussian War figure line is for sale. This manufacturer also produces Napoleonics, ACW and Colonials in 10mm. Pharoh's also has Veni, Vidi, Vici 15 & 25mm shield transfers. Mind, Map & Maneuver, Box 337 Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, 51054, (712) 943-4507 a "new journal for people desirous of discovering the secrets and methods of the Great Captains of War." The announcement I received for this 12 issue per year publication, claim this publication will have a greater content than any other publication about the Art of War, with articles on applying the art, simulation modeling, challenging situation map exercises, design innovations, that can be used for scenarios or solitaire study, dialogue, and much more information not available elsewhere. Volume 1, Issue I was dated June 1995, and is listed as published by the Resourceful Thinking Development Center. Falcon Miniatures, P.O. Box 444, Medford, MA 02155 (617) 391-9944 I received a four page listing of a 15mm ACW line this company is offering. This listing includes line drawings of some of the figures, and has listings for command groups, the 79th NY, militia, Iron Brigade, zouaves, Garabaldis, colored troops, Berdan's, and many other regular figures. It also includes listings of artillery and sappers (nice touch), guns, limber, cavalry and dismounts, and even cavalry mounting. This company advertises "for a complete catalog listing over 600 historical wargames figures in 15, 20, and 25mm, send $3.00. American Science & Surplus, 3605 Howard Street, Skokie, IL 60076. This is a place for those that believe no surplus should be without a home. The Skokie address is for mail order. This company has a 60+ page catalog of the surplus items they offer for sale. At their Geneva store location on Rt. 38, 1/4 mile east of Kirk Road (708-232-2882), they recently were selling tank model kits, European HO scale model railroad buildings, military surplus, plastic bugs of many, many types, plastic dinosaurs, boxed fantasy metal miniatures, scientific apparatus, a bomb sight, microscopes, hardware, brass tube, balsa wood, preserved frogs, crayfish, mice, and fetal pig specimens, electric motors, speakers, joysticks, casters, labware, lava lamps, tunning forks, foam, and more bits and pieces of industrial technology and materials than you can imagine. One visit to this cornucopia of stuff last year, provided me with a cheap supply of scale model ship hardware, including deck guns, anchors, hatch covers, stairways, etc. One can never know what they have to offer. They also have a store at 5696 Northwest Highway (312- 763-0313). Give them a try, but allow time to looking at all the stuff! Leva Productions 11964 Depatie, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4J1W5 This company offers a wide range of buildings, bunkers, field emplacements, "ordonnance" & defensive systems and ruins in 1/285th scale. They also have 1 Smm fortifications. Their catalog also lists 1/72 scale weapons, AFVs, and conversion pieces for tanks, infantry weapons and equipment, more ruins, wagons, and modern equipment and fortifications. Articles of War, Ltd., 8806 Bronx Avenue, Skokie, IL 60077-1896, (708) 674-7445 A listing of books available form this company was received. They announce a "limited edition series of quality hardbound reprints of scarce and desirable titles of the Victorian Era of Colonial Wars, wars of the 19th Century through World War I and into the 1920s." Contact them for further details. Steven Philips, 4761 N. Bear Canyon, Tuscon, AZ 85749, (520) 749-9703 Steven offers Bicorn Miniatures, including Napoleonics from the various countries, and ACW, and new items which are "not Bicorn Miniatures, but are designed by the same artist." His prices are listed as 30 figures for $21.00, limber with figures/horses, etc. for $15.00, and "Cost per figure in bagged units is 70 cents each." Horses are listed at $1.50, cavalry and foot figures at $1.00, ACW guns at $5.50, and personality figures at $3.00. SIMTAC, INC. 15G Colton Road, East Lyme, CT 06333 (203)-739-3609 The company that sells "Killer Rabbits" (I admit I have a few) also sells laser rifle and laser pistol armed "Killer Teddy Bears." Is this where George Lucas got the idea for the inhabitants of the forest world? They also tempt us with planes, micro armor, Macho Women With Guns, fantasy figures, Samurai cats, Snake (yeah really) infantry, "Something Fishy" including Swordfish, Halabeuteer, Landshark, Lobster Knight, and on and on. (Beasties, Dwarfs, Clansmen, Highlanders, Starship crew, Maze City Range, Shatterzone, Kryomek, Jacobites (historical), Scotia Micro Models, Tiny Terrain, Denian Models, and even more). Yucca Miniatures, 528 Sequoia Road, Chaparral, NM 88021, (505) 824-3275 l5mm ACW figures, artillery, fortifications, and novelty packs, WWII tanks, infantry, Cold War figures and vehicles, and an extensive listing of model railroad buildings, locomotives, rolling stock and stuff in 1/100 scale, matching the I /100 scale figures and models they sell. Cost of the 1995 catalog is $5.00. Elite Miniatures, H.G. Walls at the Griffon, 121 W. Colfax Street, South Bend, IN 46601, (219) 287-5533 This company offers Elite Miniatures (Napoleonics and Seven Years War) for the following 1996 prices, infantry or cavalrymen - $1.25, horses $1.50, and artillery - $6.00. The figure catalog states they stock a full line of GHQ, Grenadier, Minifigs, RAFM, Ral Partha, and Games Workshop miniatures. The catalog gives minimum order of $50.00 for the following lines of miniatures: Dixon, Old Glory, Essex, B&B, and Drew's Militia. Britannia Miniatures, 33 ST Marys Road, Halton Village, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2BJ (U.S. Distributor) The Elite Group, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, IL 60015 (847)- 940-7617 Britannia offers a wide range of figures which includes an extensive 20mm WWII line of vehicles, fortifications and figures, 20mm WWI figures, and in their 25mm scale, (but measured at 28mm) Vikings, Wild West, Crimea, Sudan, Waterloo, "Across the Rio Grande", the Little Big Horn, Ancients and Dark Ages, American Plains Indians, Apaches, horses, camels, etc. Back to MWAN #81 Table of Contents
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