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I would like to start a column in Lone Warrior for "Chance Cards" which was triggered off by reading Bryan Ansell's draft Horse & Musket rules plus those published in MWAN 77 by R.W. Duncan. Years ago I had a set of such cards and they really were good at throwing the spanner into the works during a battle and I would like to get back to that situation. To set up the system requires a bit of work initially but once your pack has been created it is always handy. Chance Cards can be tailored for specific periods, areas or even one-off battles or can be of a general nature. If you use Chance Cards and are willing to share them with the rest of the membership please just send me the details. Perhaps you have not yet attempted their use but have ideas on what could go on them, again send me your thoughts. To start the ball rolling here are a few selected from those sets mentioned above plus an idea or two of my own (see if you can spot mine!) Double Loaded When played, your infantry unit has double loaded their muskets (or loaded with buckshot), add one to combat dice at 3" range. Cold Steel Issue simultaneous free Assault orders to at least two and up to three of ANY infantry units immediately or hand this card over to the opposition! VIVE LA FRANCE! A WILD ASSAULT! When played, any or all cavalry units in the same Command may attack with an additional plus one modifier to resolve, but units that do not succeed in charging to contact suffer two additional disordered stands. Exceptional General: ENEMY TRANSFIXED! When played, opponents turn ends; if a unit is part way through an Attack, it is first completed. Austrians: ENEMY ARTILLERY EXPLODES! Play on any non-Austrian artillery piece. As your opponent attempts to fire, it is destroyed. PIGHEADED SUBORDINATE GENERAL The sub general whose general or command card is next drawn is determined to fight the battle his own way, his units can no longer be issued orders by the C-in-C. SCOUTED TERRAIN Your scouts report tracks through one piece of terrain, it is no longer impassable to your troops other than artillery, except for steep hills which are still impassable to cavalry and skirmishing cavalry. COME BACK YOU FOOLS! The unit (or all units of a Command) whose card is next drawn immdeiately Moves or Wheels towards the nearest enemy, or Attacks if within range. Every friendly unit with a stand within 3" must do the same. War of Austrian Succession: Prussians: INEFFECTIVE CAVALRY When played, Prussian cavalry and skirmishing cavalry subtract one from their combat dice. Avenge the General! When the next general is killed, ALL the units in his command charge their nearest enemies with +1 to combat dice. AMMUNITION The next enemy unit to fire has then run out of ammunition until the joker is next played. English: DUCK LADS! When played, a Highland unit drops to the ground just as their opponents fire their first volley. Combat dice are not thrown to destroy disordered stands. DASHING CAVALRY GENERAL One cavalry general may issue two orders to each of his units. Play this card immediately, or discard. Russians: Terrible Foreign Officers: ORDERS MISUNDERSTOOD Unit Commander is Killed! Unit gets an immediate +2 on all their morale throws for the remainder of the battle. [See Sharpe's Eagle by B. Cornwell] IMPERIAL SPECIAL EVENT CARDS(Extracted, with thanks, from MWAN 77) SCOTLAND THE BRAVE The skirt of the bagpipes stirs the Jocks. Card may be used for one of the following:
2. Automatically rallies pinned or shaken Highland unit. 3. Highlander unit aulomatically passes either DIVIDE AND CONQUER British political agents have been sowing dissension in the native ranks with gold and promises of power. Select one Pathan or Afghan unit (random choice-- not Ghazis). For the remainder of the game, whenever the native player wants that unit to fire, roll 1D6. That many native riflemen may not fire that turn. In addition, the unit has a +1 modifier to all Close into Combat and Stand and Fight die rolls. LT. FAVERSHAM RETURNS A WHITE FEATHER That scruffy native hanging about the camp turns out to be a British officer in disguise. Play of this card allows one otherwise leaderless British or highlander unit to have an officer figure added to it. MOHAMMED KHAN IS TRUE TO HIS SALT. Just before the battle, an aged Pathan, a retired Daffadar of the Guides, arrives with informalion about the native battle plan. Play of this card allows the Imperial player to move first and fire first in those phases for the remainder of the game. GURKHALI AYO! Johnny Gurk draws his kukri. Play of this card allows a Gurkha unit to automatically pass either a Close into Combat or Stand and Fight die roll. QUARRELLING NATIVE CHIEFTAINS Mirza Jaffar Mahmud refuses to cooperate with the that soor kabaj Saidan Akbar. One Pathan or Afghan unit (random choice) may not move this turn. MEN OF HARLECH, STAND YE READY.. Private Davies, a fine Weish tenor, rallies the troops with a stirring ballad. Card may be used for one of the following:
2. One British infantry unit automatically passes a Stand and Fight die roll. YOU'RE A DEADER MAN THAN I AM GUNGA DIN The regimental bhisti (water-carrier) sacrifices himself to save a British officer. Play of this card negates one British leader casualty. THANK GOD WE HAVE THE GATLING GUN AND THEY HAVE NOT The Imperial side receives a timely reinforcement of one Gatling gun and four man crew. Gun arrives on Imperial board edge next turn. DUST ON THE FLANK Rumours of an Imperial flanking move causes consternation on the native side. No native units may move this turn except for those which have already completed their move. NO EVENT But the bloody Wogs don't know that do they? Grin wickedly and chortle with satisfaction and you may make them nervous. MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY Lt. Rigby leads his men with sword in one hand, bible in the other. Play of this card adds +1 to any melee die rolls for one British or Highlander officer for the remainder of the game. CRAB-BAT Corporal Jones stuns the Pathans with both the quality and quantity of his invective ("Crab-Batt is British army slang for cursing in the native language). Play of this card causes one Pathan or Afghan unit to automatically fail a Close into combat die roll. YOUNG WINSTON JOINS THE CHARGE A politically ambitious Officer sees his chance for glory. Play of this card adds one mounted British offlcer figure to any British or Indian cavalry unit charging this turn. ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, MARCHING AS TO WAR The regimental chaplain is overcome by the excitement of battle and decides to smite the heathen. The chaplain figure is added to one British or highlander unit (random choice) and functions as a leader in all respects for the remainder of the game. TIME FLIES WHEN YOU'RE BRINGING CIVILISATION TO THE BENIGHTED HEATHEN The movement phase ends immediately. Play proceeds to fire phase. This card takes effect when drawn, it may not be held for future play. THE COLONEL SAHIB TAKES A DEKKO "Dekko", Hindustani meaning to look or see, i.e. conduct a reconnaissance. Play of this card reveals one hidden native unit anywhere on the board. GOD IS AN ENGLISHMAN Was there ever any doubt? Play of this card allows the Imperial player to re-roll any one of the following:
2. Rally from pinned or shaken status die roll. 3. A lost melee die roll for one British leader figure. EFFICIENT STAFF OFFICER One Imperial unit (except one charging or being charged) may either move again or fire again. ANOTHER NO EVENT! Hard luck old man! No need to look for your name in the Queen's honours list this year. NATIVE SPECIAL EVENTSMOSLEM DISAFFECTION Moslem soldiers in the Imperial force are reluctant to fight against their co-relgionists. One Indian unit (random choice but not Sikhs, Gurkha or Guides) rolls 1d10 each fire phase. That many figures may not fire that phase. In addition, that unit has a +1 modifier to all Close into Combat and Stand and Fight die rolls. LT. FAVERSHAM RECEIVES A WHITE FEATHER The officer commanding a Brilish or Highlander unit (random choice) lacks moral fibre- and deserts. Remove figure from the game. I SAY, DID THAT CURRY TASTE A BIT ODD TO YOU? Dysentery breaks out in the Imperial forces. One British infantry or Highlander unit (random choice) has its movement dice reduced by one. GUN RUNNERS Unscrupulous merchants are selling modern breechloaders to the natives. One Pathan or Afghan unit (native player's choice) fires as the equivalent of British rifles for the remainder of the game. WE'VE GOT THE MEN, WE'VE GOT THE MONEY TOO, BUT BY JINGO WE DON'T HAVE THE SCREWRIVERS Ammunition boxes prove difficult to open. Play of this card prevents resupply for one turn for one Imperial unit low on ammunition. ALLAH THE COMPASSIONATE THE MERCIFUL... Amulet with phrases from the Koran deflect the ferenghi bullet or sword. Play of this card negates one native leader casualty. INDJA'S SUNNY CLIME One British infantry unit (random choice) is suffering from heat stroke. Unit loses one movement die, fires as Egyptian rifles, and has a -1 die roll modifier to all melee rolls for the remainder of the game. DEATH TO UNBELIEVERS! One unit (native player's choice) automatically passes a Close into Combat or Stand and Fight die roll. ORDER-COUNTER-ORDER-ORDER-DISORDER The Imperial commander can't decide what to do next. One Imperial unit (random choice) may not move this turn (it may change formation). IQBAL "Iqbal" Hindustani from Arabic meaning "prosperity good fortune". Play of this card allows the native player to re-roll one of the following:
2. Pinned or Shaken rally die roll. 3 A lost melee die roll for a native leader. THE BEAR WHO WALKS LIKE A MAN Col. Ignatieff, the notorious Czarist secret agent, is advising the native side. The native player may always move and fire first for the remaider of the game. "GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU DRUNKEN SWABS" So said Kitchener. Annoying questions from the war correspondents distract the Imperial commander at a crucial moment. Play of this card allows a native unit to move next instead of an Imperial unit. THERE SEEMS TO BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH OUR BLOODY HORSES TODAY The wily Pathans have crept into camp during the night and hamstrung some of the battery horses. One Imperial field gun or Gatling gun (random choice) may not move any further during the game. NO EVENT But the ferenghi dogs don't know that, do they? Grin wickedly and chortle with satisfaction and you may make them nervous. ALLAH AKBAR! A wandering Moslem holy man arrives on the battlefield exhorting the faithful with fiery words. The holy man starts on the native board edge moves at 3d6 and automatically rallies any pinned or shaken Pathan or Afghan unit within 2". SHOOTING AT SHADOWS Panicky sentries have spent the night firing at targets that weren't there. One Imperial unit (random choice) is now low on ammunition. Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior 114 Copyright 1996 by Solo Wargamers Association. |