Part II
by Bob Giglio and Keith Frye
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What follows is the second part of adjustments, amendments and clarifications for GDW's Soldier's Companion rules. Regarding an update, after talking to Frank Chadwick (the game's author/designer) at GenCon '96, he handed us a disk containing the scanned in basic rules. The rest of the rules should be scanned in over the next few months, depending on Frank's time constraints (he's trying to publish a novel based around WWII, circa 1941). The only main objection with the Soldier's Companion rules which we have found when running at conventions, is that some player's do not like the way in which the current initiative system works (i.e. only the side that wins the initiative may move all of their units). While we all agreed that this was a major factor in making the game unique, and more importantly give the proper "flavor" for the Colonial period, an alternate system was needed. Therefore, Frank has suggested a modification to the initiative system, and this is listed under the Initiative section as Official Optional Modification, but is designed to also use the amendments from part I. Please note that this new modification has not been playtested as yet, besides you may still use the original initiative rules (with suggested amendments from part 1) if you wish. More Adjustments. Amendments & Clarifications for Soldier's Companion RulesEntries listed as Official come directly from Frank Chadwick, while rules marked optional are from various gamers and represent alternatives. There are also a few corrections to part 1, so please place these under the associated sections accordingly. BASIC RULES Sequence of Play (p.7) A) Optional Amendment: Each game turn has nine phases.
All other rules apply. Note that "initiative side" and "non-initiative side" have replaced "moving" and "non-moving" in the original rules respectively. B) Optional Amendment (2nd column, 3rd paragraph): Refers to either Friendly Offensive or Defensive movement. For defensive movement, units are limited to only those actions which can be accomplished in a half move. Example: Regular units may reform, mount/dismount, change formations, etc., as these only require a half move to accomplish fully. Note: See Leadership Official Amendment 'A' for explaination of defensive half move. Clarification: The exception is for light artillery pieces which unlimber FREE, and which are then allowed to fire in the Held Fire Phase. C) Optional Amendment (Held Fire): Originally Held Fire was only for firing an option for the Offensive (moving) player(s), and then only an enemy unit which was either concealed at the beginning of the turn, but revealed by Offensive movement (i.e. detected) or which fired in Defensive Fire. The following are amendments. a) Held Fire is an option for both the Offensive (initiative) and Defensive (non-initiative) player(s). All other rules apply. b) Held Fire allows fire on enemy units that charged, but were screened by other units during Defensive Fire (i.e. massed units charging 'behind and with open order units). c) Held fire may be used to fire at a unit previously fired at during a the same turn, including a target unit which decreased in morale, thereby attempting to cause it another decrease in morale. Note that this in one way to permanently break units. Example: A native unit which decreased in morale from fire during the Defensive Fire Phase, may be fired at again by a unit that had held fire, during the Held Fire Phase before it is allqwed to retire back to the nearest cover (which means that the native unit will be fired at while disorded, and for morale modifiers is considered as taking fire in the rear and at its current state of demoralized morale). Initiative (p.7)Official Amendment: (add this to the end of the Official Amendment in part 1) Exception being for loss of the overall commander, which still gives 1D6 automatic turns of initiative to the opposing side. Optional Official Modification: Currently only the side that wins the initiative may move all its units. Instead, dice are rolled norrnally for initiative. The side which wins initiative moves all of its units as normal in the Offensive Movement Phase (see Official Amendment under Leadership). The side which lost initiative moves all of its units as half moves in the Defensive Movement Phase (see Optional Amendment under Leadership). The side which lost initiative may only declare half charges (see Optional Amendment under Leadership)). If one side automatically gains initiative due to 'Exceptions to Initiative' (p.7-8), then only that side will be able to move all of its units as per original rules (Official Amendment and all Optional Amendments above should then be used), and the other side may only move some units as half moves/charges using Leadership (see Official and Optional Amendments under 'Leadership' below). Small Arms Fire (p. 10-12)Clarification: A regular unit or detachment (platoon or troop) may only conduct volley fire if it has 4 or more rifle armed figures (i.e. plstol armed officers, etc. do not count). Otherwise, it may only conduct independent fire. A) Optional Modification (Jammed Machineguns, p. 10): Due to the slight historical possibility of over heating, Maxim guns also have a chance of jamming. A roll of 6 indicates a jam. All other rules apply, including unjamming on a roll of 5 or 6. Official Clarification (Doubled Hits, p.11): Machineguns double the number of hits rolled when firing on formed troops (anything by open order or disorder), but infantry firing volleys only double the number of casualties, after any saving throws have been rolled. B) Optional Modification (Sharpshooters, p.12): Sharpshooters increase the chance of causing a leader casualty by +1, or +2 if any leaders in the target unit are mounted. All other rules apply (see also Optional Modifications for Casualties/Leader Casualties). C) Optional Modification (Special Cases: Fire by Platoon, p. 12): Regular infantry companies may split fire between two targets, ~.tlled Fire by Platoon. Likewise, one platoon may elect the option of Held Fire, while the other platoon elects to fire during another fire phase (i.e. offensive or defensive). Note that while historically regular units conducted fire by section (i.e. half a platoon), this is not allowed in the scope of these rules. See also Clarification above. D) Optional Modification (Special Cases: Fire by Troop, p.12): Regular cavalry squadrons may split fire between two targets, called Fire by Troop. Likewise, one troop may elect the option of Held Fire, while the other troop elects to fire during another fire phase (i.e. offensive or defensive). Note that while historically regular units conducted fire by section (i.e. half a troop), this is not allowed in the scope of these rules. See also Clarification above. Detachments (p. 12)(add to the end of Optional Amendment 'A' in part I) Note UV: G regulars that split into platoons still function as original rules. (add the following after the note on Boers in part I) Clarification: For irregular detachments, natives of one clan or area usually made up a war band, therefore all onginal rules apply (i.e. casualties are double morale modifiers). Redefinition: Jehadia are classed as regular units. Jehadia may split into two equal detachments (also see Optional Amendment 'A' above) as they are regulars, not irregulars, but are not allowed to volley fire. All other rules for regulars apply. C) Optional Amendment: For regular artillery, a gun section is not considered a detachment for morale purposes unless it loses half of its original crew. A gun section can be split into two detachments (single guns), and will work as per Detachmens in original rules. Casualties (p. 12-13)A) Optional Amendment (Leader Casualties, p.12): For both regulars
and irregulars, roll 1D6. If the result IS EQUAL TO or LESS than the
number of casualties suffered by the unit, one of the casualties is an
officer/NCO/musician (for regulars) or leader (for irregulars). All other
rules apply, except that for regulars, unless the senior officer is indicated as
a casualty, roll 1D6 to determine the casualty, as follows:
Note: If any officers (regular units) or chief/leaders (irregular units) are mounted, + 1 is added to chance of officerc/NCO/musician or leader casualty. Likewise if officer/NCO musician or leader casualty is indicated, +1 is also added to chance of the commanding/senior officer or chief/leader becoming a casualty. B) Optional Amendment (Leader Casualties p. 12): When casualties are caused by firearms from units designated as 'S' (Sharpshooters), chance of an officer/leader casualty (see 'A' above) is +1 greater. C) Optional Amendment (Wounded p.l3): Lightly wounded soldiers may fight, but opposing figures have a +1 melee modifier when facing a lightly wounded soldiers. Lightly wounded soldiers move and fire with a unit normally. Casualty Markers (Optional)The use of colored rings (pipe cleaners) is recommended as follows:
Seriously Wounded: Lay the figure down Dead: Remove the figure from play Artillery Fire (p. 14 and Artillery Chart p. 173)A) Optional Modification: Light artillery is allowed to pivot up to 360 degrees during a Offensive or Defensive Fire Phase to select a new target, And will still be allowed to fire that phase. To select a new target for the Held Fire Phase, light artillery may only pivot during the Offensive or Defensive Move Phase. B) Optional Modification (Green Artillery Crews): Any artillery crew rated as Green (UV: G), such as Egyptian gunners captured by Dervish, will roll to hit normally, but any target including counterbattery fire) will have an automatic saving throw of 1. This reflects the historical aspect of improperly timed fuzes, etc. Melee (p. 16) Optional Modification: Artillery crews, which are considered Open Order formation, always melee with all figures of a gun section that can be contacted by an formed enemy charge (for open order enemy charges, only the enemy figures of the front rant in contact will melee, as per original rules). This means a formed enemy unit will move amongst the guns. Example - A formed (massed) native unit rolls a charge of 16", and the artillery target is 8" distant across open field; the native unit would have enough movement to melee all figures in any section it could contact. Note: This gives a better chance of a one turn melee outcome, as previously with only a couple artillery figures engaged in melee, the chance of major morale modifers against the artillery was slight, thus having a higher chance of continuing melee. Melee Modifiers (p. 17 and Combat Chart p. 170)(add the following after the Official Correction in part 1) A) Optional Modification: Historically Dervish could melee cavalry with a reasonable success rate, through diving onto the ground under the horses and slashing up at their bellies. Therefore the following melee modifier is used: Dervish in melee against cavalry + 1. B) Optional Modification: Lightly Wounded opponent +1 (see also Casualties/Wounded Optional Modifications) Clarification: A 'Weak Adversary' includes NNC, Boers, Jehadia, any artillery crews (regular or irregular), or other irregulars armed chiefly with firearms as their primary weapon (are called Firearm Irregulars for morale modifiers). Morale (Firearm Combat, p.20)Official Clarification: Hits doubled by machinegun fire at a formed unit are counted towards morale, but casualties doubled by infantry firing volley fire at a formed unit are not counted towards morale. Likewise, the number of casualties caused by artillery fire count towards morale, and if an artillery piece does not hit, then no morale check is required of the targeted unit. Morale Modifiers (p.21 and Combat Chart p.l71)Clarification: A 'Firearm Irregular Charging or being Charged' includes NNC, Boers, Jehadia, any artillery crews (regular or irregular), or other irregulars armed chiefly with firearms as their primary weapon (are called Weak Adversary for melee modifiers). B) Official Modification (Special Cases): Artillery crews, besides being in Open Order, are also considered a Firearrm Irregular. C) Optional Modification (Automatic Frenzy): To better retlect the historical aspect of irregulars, Green regulars (UV: G) and Elite regulars (UV: E), any time an unmodified natural 2 is rolled for a morale check indicates the unit becomes frenzy, regardless of any modifiers. All other rules apply. Morale markers (Optional)Various methods to show unit morale status exist, such as using actual figures (e.g. Fire & Fury, etc.), or even colored caps or rings (pipe cleaners), etc. It is at a player(s) option how to show unit morale status, but two methods are listed below. Naturally, whichever you decide to use depends on whether the game is being run at a club/home or a convention. Generally, for a club/home the visual effect of using wounded and dead figures (such as available from Wargames Foundry) to show unit morale status will give the most appealing look. For conventions time is more crucial due to many new players, and the use of use of colored rings is more practical. Although, the choice is up to you.
Unit Organization (p.26)Optional Corrections: (add the following under Regular Infantry in part 1) Regular Indian or Gurkha Infantry Companies A company is the same as for Europeans as with officers and other ranks being Indian and Gurkha. Although a battalion would be led by a British staff of up to 6 officers: Colonel, Lt-Col., Maj., Capt. (adjutant) and 2 Lts. (Wing Commanders in charge of 4 companies), plus 1 Indian Subedar-Major (Senior Indian Ofc.). Although as stated above, it was rare for a battalion had its full complement of British staff (usually there were only 3-4). B) Regular Artillery - (correction/addition to part I) Change the second sentence in part 1 to "should be reduced by one". Also, drop the first part of the sentence referring to "will also have one extra figure to reflect drivers, etc.", which does not apply any more. The sentence should now read "Each battery will have three Officers (Major, Capt., and Lt.) plus a Senior-NCO and bugler as well. Regular Indian Artillery: A battery is identical as a European battery, with the Senior-NCO and all crew being Indian, but all officers are British. C) Regular European Cavalry - (add the following at the end in part I) A Colonel, Lt-Colonel or Major will be in charge of a regiment. Regular Indian Cavalry: A squadron is identical to a European squadron, with all troop officers and troopers being Indian, but a British Captain or Lieutenant will be in overall command of the squadron, with a British Colonel, Lt-Colonel or Major in charge of a regiment. Leadership (p.22) - (correction/additions to part I)Official Amendment: The last line should read as follow, "This move takes place after the winners of initiative have completed their moves, in a special Defensive Movement Phase. Clarification: Leaders always may grant one half move, plus one half move per Leadership Rating. Example - A + 1 Commander may grant up to two half moves. (add the following after the Optional Amendment in part I) Clarification: Leaders always may grant one half charge, plus one half charge per Leadership Rating. Example - A + 1 Commander may grant up to two half charges. Official Clarification: For both regular and native armies there should always be a commander, adjutant commander and one or more assistant commanders, in charge of various groups of units. These commander types would all have a Leadership Rating, and therefore would be able to grant half moves/charges as well. Note that for regular armies these commander types would be high ranking officers, while the commander types for native armies would have different titles depending on their historical native counterpart. Example - A Zulu Impi would have a Senior Commanding induna (Commander), Assistant Senior Commanding induna (Adjutant Commander), and various Senior indunas (Assistant Commander) would be in charge of their particular regiment. Likewise, a Pathan force would have a Mullah or Khan as Commander, with other Khans as Adjutant and Assiatant Commanders. Hidden Units (Concealing Terrain p.22)Optional Amendment: Each area of concealing terrain should be designated by the gamemaster prior to the start of a game as to how many hidden units can occupy the same area at the same time. It is recommended that no more then one hidden unit be allowed per 8" diameter area of concealing terrain. It is also recommended that no more than a maximum of one third of an army's units be allowed as hidden. Army Morale (p.24)Optional Amendment: The modifiers for Army Morale are also to be considered as Total Army Morale Modifers and also added to the total dice score, rather then to individual die rolls. All other rules apply. Generally this now gives lower and more realistic army morale. Terrain Types Chart (p. 171) Optional Modifications (additions to Barriers):
ARMY LISTS(additions to part 1) Zulus (p.135)Clarification: All Zulus use firearms as 'Green Troops'. Unmarried Regiment (pre- 1880) UV: X2; otherwise UV: T2 Married Regiment (pre-1880) UV: fV3; otherwise UV: X3 Pathans (p. 143)A) Optional Amendment: Depending on the tribe or even clan within a tribe, infantry should be rated either UV: T2S or X3S. Ghazi fanatic infantry should be rated as UV: V3S. Any artillery should be rated as UV: T0, but fire as Green crew. B) Optional Amendment: Only those Pathans arrned with jezails (rifled muskets) should use the +50% range of the Sharpshooter rule, otherwise for Pathans armed with later weapons (breechloading rifles after 1890, and bolt action rifles after 1910), only use the increased chance of causing a leader casualty (see 'Small Arms Fire - Optional Modification B') C) Optional Amendment: If a Pathan war band chooses to split into two detachments, one rifle armed and the other sword armed, then the rifle detachment is considered a 'Firearmed Irregular' for morale checks for Fear of Impact and after the first turn of melee. Likewise, opponents receive a modifier for facing a 'Weak Adversary' for the first turn of melee. This reflects the fact that a rifle arrned opponent is not ready for the initial turn of melee if charged by an opposing force (see 'Detachments - Optional Amendment B') Dervish (add to p. 135)Clarification (Jehadia): These are classed as regulars, with 10 figures per unit ( 1 leader, 1 sub-leader and 8 men), and use firearms. All rules apply as for regulars, except Jehadia are not allowed to volley fire. Back to The Heliograph #95 Table of Contents © Copyright 1996 by Richard Brooks. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |