The officer is from the Battalion de Cazadores and wearing the "daily dress" uniform, which is: Cap is green with a gold lace button on top and a black leather visor, tunic is also in dark green with collar and cuffs in dark green too, these are both piped in red while the piping to the front of the tunic and turnbacks are red, gold lace epaulettes, gilt buttons, trousers are dark green with black shoes. all leather straps and belts are in black, including the sword scabbard this has gilt fittings. Standard has the field in two sky-blue bars with a central white one, in the centre are two clasped arms in flesh colour holding a brown staff with a red phrygian cap, surrounding this is a silver band edged in green with laurel branches on either side, the bowed ribbon is red and the sun with rays is in gold. The hanging bow on the staff is sky-blue - white - sky-blue with a gold lace fringe along both bottom, a steel point on the
brown wooden staff.
The Flag exists in the Nacional Historical Museum, Buenos Aires.
The officer is from a drawing by L. de Beaufort.
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© Copyright 1996 by The South and Central Military Historians Society