Paul Koch
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We could call these optional rules but then really all rules are optional to the gamer. These bits, we have added ad hoc around the table and they produce an enjoyable result. GATLING GUNS: These instruments of Satan tend to show up on the table top far more often than they appeared in history, hence the following: Gatlings fire using the Small Arms chart, a full strength battery fires as 6 regular stands, while a hit battery fires as 4. They are mounted and handled in other ways as horse artillery. They fire using the following chart:
Gatlings fire using 2 dice, if however they roll doubles, the guns have jammed and may not fire the following turn. REVENGE MOVE PROBLEMS: In conversation with Dick Bryant, it has been noted that a lot of gamers object to the unlimited distance a unit may move if it rolls "revenge" on the Morale Chart. We ourselves like it, but if you don't simply limit such movement to 1 extended move, or 1 regular move + 9". RALLY: We use the following modification: If a unit is rallied by its Divisional or Corps C.O. through an automatic pass, it may then deploy, reform, reface, fire, but it may not move! If it is rallied through the Morale Chart it may do as it wishes or as the chart dictates. This is to simulate the difference between an officer interfering or the unit shaping up on its own. CASTASTROPHIC KILLS: For those who like more firepower, we have recently started using the following. In any firing procedure if the modified die roll falls as negative number (-1 or greater) the target looses 2 stands instead of 1. CAVALRY: We like to substitute dismounted stands for the mounted ones when cavalry operates in this manner. They should number fewer stands however for 2 reasons. Some must hold horses and they will take up less frontage. We suggest the following guidelines:
We might add that this adds visually to the flavor of Civil Wargaming. A ROSTER VARIANT: When OTR was originally developed, those playing it hated rosters, consequently the stand reduction system. With small alteration however a very satisfying roster game may be played. Stands are not removed! When ever the rules call for removal of a stand simply deduct 4CV from the unit. When establishing troop types at the beginning of a game take the CV (Combat Value) per stand and multiply it by the number of stands in the unit. EX: a Regular 6 stand infantry Brigade would have a CV of 24. Small arms are counted as 1 roll of die per each 6CV in the firing unit. On the morale chart subtract 1 from the roll per CV lost. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IV No. 2 © Copyright 1982 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |