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MAGAZINES The Herald is the bimonthly journal of HMGS - Great Lakes. The March-April issue has some convention reports, a review of Spearhead, a list of reenactment events, an OB for the Prussian Army in 1813 for use in Napoleons Battles, and society news. 184 N. Union St, Delaware, OH. The Heliograph, a publication for Colonial gamers, is now in 51/2 x 8 1/2 format. The February issue has an article on German Colonial uniforms in SW Africa, rules for umpire-controlled Indians vs U.S. Cavalry, figure reviews, a book review, a list of movies and TV shows relevant to the period, and letters. 42 pp, $12/6 issues, Richard Brooks, PO Box 718, Swansea, SC 291600718 The Seven Years War Association Journal in its Winter issue has two articles on historical actions suitable for gaming at the tactical/skirmish level, one on light forces in the AustrianPrussian theatre, comments on Austrian grenadier formations, news, reviews, and letters.72 pp, $25/4 issues, James Purky,3127 Park Place, Evanston, IL 60201. Napoleon is a new publication devoted to his life, his works, his world. The first issue has a study of Grouchy's decisions in the Waterloo campaign, coverage of the uniforms and history of the Vistula Legion, and an argument that Napoleons staff structure revolutionized battlefield command and control. There are is also a rather extensive piece on Pauline Bonaparte, a list of relevant French martial music available on recordings ancl a look at collector figures and toy soldiers, along with book and game reviews. This is a glossy with-plenty of illustrations, some in color, although a number of the color diagrams are awkwardly done - it is not obvious, for example, that two full pages of fourcolor art should be spent to present an OB. 62 pp, $35/6 issues Emperors Press, 5744 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago, IL 60634. Britannia has a number of additions to their line of 20 nmn WWII figures. These are Waffen SS in packs of dead, captured. Pak 40 gun and crew, and MG42 team; Bribsh paratroop pack howitzer crew and 1st Airbome HQ group, infantry halftrack crew, jeep,6 pdrAT gun and crew, and Guards Armored Div HQ group; American paratroops in assault boat, jeep, HQ jeep, and even Col. Vandergrot being pulled on his hand cart, and an infantry halftrack crew. The new vehicles are an Opel Blitz ancl a StuG III. Available from dhe Elite Group, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, IL 60015. Minifigs continues to release new 15 mm Napoleonics and to resculpt older figures. Just out are Prussian Landwehr (12 packs:), officers, guns, and crews, Swedish mounted jagers, Leib Guard, Light and Heavy Dragoons and Hussars, Danish Life Guard Cav, Heavy Cav, Light Dragoons, Hussars, mounted Jagers, Bosniaks, Uhlans, and artilly crews. 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnati, OH 45212. CATALOGS RECEIVED Quality Castings 15 mm WWII and modern. PO Box 11714 Alexandria, VA 22312. Thoroughbred Figures 1/600 ACW ships in metal. 3833 Buckhorn Place, Virginia Beach, VA 23456. Musket Miniatures 15 mm ACW and Mexican War figures and buildings,22 mm ACW figures and buildings, 25 mm Am Rev and 54 mm ACW terrain, scenics, accessories, paper flags, paintbooks, rules. PO Box 1976, Broomfield, CO 80038. Les Grognards New, used, and out-of-print books on Napoleonic history, uniforms, biography, and historical fiction. PO Box 5103, Springfield, VA 22150-5103. Caliver Books List of Napoleonic & 18th Century battles: books, magazines, painting guides, and rules. 816-818 London Rd, Leighon-Sea, Essex SS9 3NH, United Kingdom. On Military Matters New and used book lists of military tides. 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525. Articles of War, Ltd Napoleonic Wars list. 8806 Bronx Ave Skokie, IL. 6007-1896. Wargames Illustrated Hovels buildings and scenics listing: 15 & 25 mm ACW, European, Mediterranean, Medieval, Middle East, Oriental; 20 mm WWII, 1/200 Middle East and European, 1/300 European. Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059-0278. Excalibur Hobbies Toy soldiers and collector figures, some books, fantasy figures. 63 Exchange St, Malden, MA 02148-5523. Tactical Conf1ict Systems Mind Games rules, TCS buildings, scenic items and accessories in 10, 15, 25 and 54 mm and 1/285. 545 Newport Ave, Suite 155, Pawtucket RI 02861. Minifigs Too many lines to list here in 15 and 25 mm, plus Skytrex 1/1200 Napoleonic ships and 1/144 WWI aircraft. 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnad, OH 45212. Brookhurst Hobbies B&B Miniatures, Drews Militia, FAA, 1st Corps, Hamilton Miniatures, Peter Pig, Polly Oliver, Qualitycast, SHQ Miniatures, Tumbling Dice Miniatures, Two Dragons, rules. 12188 Brookhurst St, Garden Grove, CA 92640. Roundway 15 mm Miniatures Jacobite Rebellion, Marlborough Great Northern War, Late Medieval-Early Renaissance, Napoleonic 1805-1809. Commonwealth Miniatures, 716 Hempstead Ct, Chesapeake, VA 23320. Frei Korps 15 Ancients, AMR, SYW, Moghuls, French and British in India, ECW & 30 Yrs War, Napoleonic, ACW, Maximillian War, Great Paraguayan War. Italian War of Independence, US-Mexican War, Alamo, ACW, American West, Franco-Prussian, 1866, and Spanish-American. 15 mm Mirliton, Mainly Military, Hovels, rules, books, painting guides. 25 Pricetown Rd, Bangor, Co. Down, BT20 3TA Northern Ireland. Royal Oak Miniatures 1013 W. 12 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI (810) 546-6781 sends a two page listing of painted buildings in 15 and 25mm. Buildings are from The Drum, J R Miniatures, Gallia, and Hovels. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST RECEIVED Canadian Wargamers Journal, $19.00 US /4 issues, Canadian Wargamers Group, Box 1725, Station M, Calgary, Alta T2P 2L7 Midwest Wargamer's Association Newsletter, Hal Thinglum, 22554 Pleasant Dr, Richton Park, IL 60471 Spearpoint (NA Soc. Ancient & Medieval Wargamers), $18 / 6 issues eøc membership, Scott Dickson, 590 Woodend Dr. SE, Concord, NC 28025 Battlefleet (Naval minis), 9.25/4 issues Airmail, Dave Sharp, 23 Blunt's Way, Horsham, W. Sussex, RH12 2BJ, United Kingdom Miniature Wargames, $59.95/12 issues by air, Wargames Inc, Box 278, Rt 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059-0278 The Zouave (ACW), $16 / 4 issues The Zouave, c/o The Command Post, 20578 Alliance-Sebring Rd, Alliance, OH 44601 Lone Warrior (solo wargaming), $20 /4 issues, Solo Wargamers Association, 1707 Ridge Rd, Leavenworth, KS 66048. Computer Gaming World, $27.94/12 issues, PO Box 57167, Boulder, CO 80322-7167, tel. (800) 827-4450 SAGA Newsletter (Ancients), $20/6, 890 Janes Rd, Rochester, NY 14612 Age of Napoleon $42/ 6 issues, On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #70 © Copyright 1996 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |