Convention Tournaments:

The Siege of Augusta and Augusta Armati

The 2nd Annual CSRA High School Miniatures Tournament held at the Siege of Augusta 5-7 January 1996 drew competitors form seven area high schools and middle schools. This year twenty students competed in the intro-army competition. A new feature from last year was that almost half the competitors brought their own painted armies. Monroe Havird won the painting competition with his 11th Century Byzantines while Thomas Key placed second with his Republican Romans. The competitors played three rounds and scored points based on the in rules scoring system in :

The student with the highest score is the winner. Students were paired in two player teams and the number of teams a school brought was dependent on the number of players it brought. Butler High School had four teams. Their were also prizes awarded for individuals at the middle school and high school levels.

Players rotated between matches and did not play students from their same team or school. Most of the players had played several other matches during the last year and very little coaching or referee work was required. Jim Birdseye, Rick Amend, Kelly Timmerman, and Paul Harrison acted as referees. The tournament lasted from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Silver Eagle Miniatures, Viking Forge, Buffalo Books and HMGS Mid-South all gave awards.
Winning teams
First Place9200 pointsWestminster H.S.Judson Baxley and Thomas Key
Second Place6420 pointsLakeside H.S.Josh Benton and Jessica Williamson
Third Place6200 pointsButler H.S.Billy Lloyd and Tony Duckett
Middle Schools*
First Place9150 pointsAugusta Prep.Eric Stubbs and Barrett Layman
Second Place4800 points Episcopal Day SchoolStuart Carrol and Elliot Flanery
* Played against the high school players
Placement individuals
1stBarrett Layman 5050 points Early Swiss
2ndThomas Key 4800 pointsRepublican Romans
3rd Asher Rivener4600 points Sung Chinese
3rd Will Story4600 pointsFrench 100 years
4th Judson Baxley4300 points English 100 years
5th Eric Stubbs4100 pointsGerman Imperialist
6th Josh Benton 4000 pointsEnglish lOOyears
6thBilly Lloyd 4000 pointsCarthaginians
SportsmanshipMonroe Havird11th Century Byzantines


A High School Invitational Tournament was held at Augusta Prepatory School on February 5th, 1996. Four area High schools were represented, Lakeside HS Evans Ga., Butler HS, Augusta, Ga., Augusta Prep, Martinez Ga. and Augusta Christian HS, Martinez Ga.

This was our most balanced contest to date. Each schools participants played three matches. Students competed as individuals.

The winner received an intro-Armati army donated by HMGS Mid-south and Viking Forge. Josh Benton (100 Years War English) won with 3800 points and Duane Troutman (100 Years War English) placed second with 3600 points. Third place went to Tony Duckett (Mongols) with 2600 points. The maximum score possible was 6,000 points. So no one was a walk over and the lowest score was 2200 points. There will be other toumaments in the future.