Chuck Cook's newest releases include these three (2?) models. I
waffle on the number of releases because Chuck has produced one basic
hull, an early and a late turret, and two corresponding sets of tracks. By
varying turrets and tracks, three models are generated from two sets of
components - look for more multiple releases of this sort in the future. I
checked all dimensions against my old Bellona Print #13, which contains
several good plan views of the beast and everything checked out within a
millimeter or so. Detail is very good throughout. The turrets differ in
details, absence (on the early version) of smoke grenade launchers, and
differing copulas. Speaking of which, a relatively recent QC phenomenon
is the inclusion of two cupolas with each turret - one open, with a tank
commander, and one closed. You can glue these on, or leave them
seperate, which is handy in a game, when you want to properly show a
tank's "Buttoned up" status. The tracks properly show early and late
pattem road wheels and tracks. Rumor has it (I have samples) that QC
will shortly come out witha Feifel aircleaner kit that you can stick on the
rear of the engine deck to shown another variant of the early/mid Tiger
Is. Available from Po Box 11714, Alexandria VA 22312 - BILL
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