British Forces Uniform Guide

by Scott Holder

Unit Coat Facing
Cuff Turnback Waistcoat Pants
16th [Note#1]redyellowyellow whitewhitewhite
71st-Frasers Hlander [#2]red whitewhitewhitewhitewhite
British Legion [#3]greenblackblack whitewhitewhite
Delancys I & II [white lace] redblueblue whitewhitevaried
Georgia LoyalistsredUnknownUnknownUnknown white?white?
NJ Volunteersredblueblue whitewhitewhite
NY Volunteers redbuffbuff whitewhitewhite
SC Royalists redyellowyellow whitewhitewhite
D'Angelelli Grenadiersblueredred redbuffbuff
Von Bose Musketeersbluewhitewhitewhite whitewhite
Von Knoblach Garrisonbluewhitewhite redblueblue
Royal Artillery [yellow lace]blueredred whitewhitewhite
Converged Lights redmiscmisc whitewhitewhite
7th-Royal Fusiliersredblueblue whitewhitewhite
23rd-Welsh Fusiliersredblueblue whitewhitewhite
33rd redredred whitewhitewhite
Highlanders [#4]
red blue whitewhitewhitewhite
63rd reddark green whitewhitewhitewhite
64th redblack whitewhitewhitewhite
Volunteers of IrelandredUnknownUnknownUnknown white?white?
Von Lengerke Grenadiersbluemiscmiscmisc white&buffwhite&buff
Hesse Cassel Chasseursbluemiscmiscmisc white&buffwhite&buff
Von Ditfurth Fusiliersblueyellowyellowred whitewhite
Von Benning Garrisonblueyellowyellow redblueblue
Anspach Yaegersforest greenredredred greenwhite
Hessel Cassel Yaeger Corpforest greenredredred grn,wht,buffgrn,wht,buff
Von Linsingen Grenadiersblueredredred yell or whiteyell or white
Prince Carl Musketeerblueredredred whitewhite
American Volunteersgreenunknownunknown white?white?white?
Prince of Wales Regt.redblueblue whitewhitewhite
Von Lowenstien Grenadiersblueredredred whitewhite
Royal NC Regiment.redblueblue whitewhitewhite
British Guards. [#5]redblueblue whitewhitewhite
Kings American Regt.redblueblue whitewhitewhite
NC Highlanders [#6]bluen/an/an/a whiten/a
Queens Rangers [#7]greenblackblackn/a greenwhite
American Legionredblue?blue whitewhitewhite
80thredyellowyellow whitewhitewhite
Erbrintz Fusiliersblueredred redwhitewhite
Starkloffs Dragoonsgreenunknownunknown whitewhitewhite
84th-Royal Hland Emmgrn [#8]redblueblue whitewhitewhite
82ndredblueblue whitewhitewhite
76th-McDonnels Highland [#8]reddk green dk greenwhitewhitewhite
43rdredwhitewhitewhite whitewhite
17thredgreyish whitegreyish whitewhite whitewhite
1st Anspachblueredred redwhitewhite
2nd Anspachblueblackblack redwhitewhite
Anspach Artilleryblueredred redwhitewhite
3rdredbuffbuffbuff buffbuff
19th]reddeep green deep greenwhitewhitewhite
30thredpale yellowpale yellow whitewhitewhite
SC Dragoonsredyellowyellow whitewhitewhite


First a general comment. The preponderance of white "small clothes", that is pants or breeches, gators, stocking, etc is actually for parade dress events. The quartermaster routinely issued overalls (a popular garment for the troops) or the troops converted their own. These could be al- most any color although white, brown, green, and blue predominated.

1. All British regular regiments had basic white lace on their cuffs and facings. The differences were with different color stripes on the lace. Regular loyal ist units apparently did not have lace with the exception of Delancys battalions.

2. The 42nd and 71st Highland units discarded wearing kilts shortly after their arrival in Ame rica. Instead they wore white pants, gators, or overalls. The kilt color for the 71st was black and green plaid. The Highland units continued to wear their bonnets throughout the war.

3. The British Legion dragoons wore a very unique helmet that became known as the "Tarleton". British Horse artillery of the Napoleonic Period wore the same helmet. Mollo's book gives a good picture. The dragoons also wore a short cut tight jacket, at least while on parade. The infantry of the legion apparently wore a standard hat and jacket although the green and black color was the same as the dragoons.

4. The 42nd Royal Highlanders kilt was black and green with a narrow red strip.

5. The 3 Guards units were actually detachments from the rest of the parent bodies located in Britian. 15 men from each company were pulled and sent to America. My group simulates this by sprinkling line, light infantry, and grenadier figures among the unit.

6. The NC Volunteers, or Highlanders, wore a local made coat that had no cuffs, facings, etc. Essentially it was an all blue coat. All accounts indicate the regiment used kilts from the 71st but whether or not the average foot soldier wore them in the field is debatable. Nonetheless, a very interesting variant of the basic highland uniform. Bonnets and the red and white checked stockings were presumably the same as other highland units.

7. The Queens Rangers had very distinct uniforms that were fortunately, well documented by the unit commander, Ltcol Simcoe. Both Mollo and Lefferts have abundant descriptions of the uniforms and differing helmets. Plenty of Queens Rangers figures are also available showing the distinct styles.

8. The 76th and 84th wore green and black kilts but most likely utilized more practical gators or overalls while in the field. Like the other two highland regiments, these also wore bonnets.

American Forces Uniform Guide

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Copyright 1995 by The Courier Publishing Company.