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The Philippine/American stand on Bataan was one of the most heroic in our history. Philippine and American troops inflicted the first series of defeats on Japanese ground forces in the Pacific War. As the Dutch and British Empires crumbled and fell the noble troops of the Philippine Army and Philippine Scouts with help from a few Americans held the Japanese for nearly six months. This game reflects the defense of one of the bridges on the road to Bataan in 1942. The game is an event generated game designed for play by a group of players. The events are for both "sides" although those playing the "Japanese" side will on occassion be required to play allied roles when called for by an event card. The tactical rules are designed to be played quickly and the players must execute actions when required to by the rules. TACTICAL RULES
EVENT CARDS The Event Deck(s) are built from a standard 52 card deck plus 2 Jokers. Devide the deck into Red and Black suits. Put one Joker in each deck. Anytime the American player rolls a seven he/she or the umpire must draw from the black deck. If he/she rolls a doubles he must draw from the red deck. If he/she rolls a three, eleven or a ten then one card from each deck is drawn. The player executes the event on the deck. If no card drawn is required the American player may move, replenish ammo, prepare positions, run commo wire, dig in deeper, etc. Let your imagination be your guide as brought down to reality by the umpire. MOVEMENT Infantry moves one D6 plus two inches. Vehicles move three D6 plus ten inches. Vehicles prohibited from Jungle or Rice paddy. Tanks move three D6 plus five inches. Half move through Jungle or rice paddy. Tanks prohibited from rice paddy. Heavy man-handled equipment one D6 DIRECT FIRE Measured from target to shooter in inches, subtract 10" - the result is the TARGET RANGE. Hit on a D20 roll equal or more than the TARGET RANGE in inches divided by two. Thus a target forty inches distant is hit on a D20 roll of 15 of more. HMG: Subtract three from the TARGET RANGE and fire one time at each target in a four square inch area or two times at each target in a two square inch area.. LMG add three to the TARGET RANGE and have two square inches of target area. SMG divide distance to target by one(rather than two:) and have two square inches of target area. RIFLE squads roll one D20 for every five figures, Scouts and Japanese, and every six figures for Philippine Army. A natural "1" is always a miss and a natural "20" is always a hit. Snipers hit on a D20 roll of 15-20 regardless of range. MODIFIERS: Moving units subtract 10 from D20 roll. Units in cover add five to D20 roll. Units under fire subtract five SAVING THROWS: figures hit by direct or indirect fire are
saved by a D6 roll greater than the TERRAIN DEFENSE FACTOR (see
Chart below).
Misfires: American 3" mortar (Stokes mortar) ammunition had a high rate of misfire. Roll a D6 for each round when it lands - a roll of 1-4 it fails to detonate. Kills: Figures within the burst radius are hit on a D6 roll of 1-3. VISIBILITY/SPOTTING A unit is spotted if it fires or moves within enemy line-of-sight. Units cannot be spotted if in Jungle. Tanks/vehicles not sighted as above are heard (spotted) if not in line-of-sight but within 24" of spotting unit. AMMO American 75mm artillery has thirty rounds per gun. Japanese carried forty rounds per gun. Japanese light mortars were supplied with twelve rounds and Scout mortars had twenty four rounds per tube. TANKS Tanks may engage with main guns and machine-guns. Neither the
Japanese or Americans supplied their vehicles with explosive rounds for
the main guns so limit their fire to other vehicles or bunkers or buildings.
CLOSE COMBAT Hand-grenades: Range is eight inches, thrower marks location and rolls one D12 for dispersal and one D6 for miss distance, a roll of 1 is one inch off target, a roll of two is 2 inches; all other rolls are on target. Subtract one from miss distance die roll if range is more than four but less than six inches, subtract three if it is more than six inches. Add one to the die roll if the target is under two inches away. Burst diameter is one inch for grenades. American grenades frequently failed to arm, roll a D6 when the target is marked, if the roll is even the grenade fails to detonate. Figures in the burst diameter of American grenades will be hit by a D6 roll of 1-4, those in the burst of a Japanese grenade will be hit on a one or two. There is no terrain modifier, roll the saves as if they are in the open. NOTE: Throwing a grenade counts as fire in the move and/or fire phase. Hand to hand: Procedure, move figures into base contact matching figure for figure. Defender tests morale adding five to die roll and reacts as required except pinned results are treated as retreat and retreat are treated as rout. If the defender passes then the attacker tests morale adding five to the D20 and reacts as normal morale test. If both pass then match up the figures and roll one D6 per figure high roll wins loser is KIA. Modify the D6 roll as follows:
After all figures in contact have fought at least one fight both sides test morale and execute results of pin as retreat and retreat as rout. Figures that were not able to make contact do not fight a hand to hand action and react to morale checks with those that did. Morale: Each squad has a MORALE GRADE of 20 at the start of the game. It losses one point for each man lost KIA or WIA and two for each squad weapon or sergeant lost. MORALE GRADE reduction continues throughout the game. Morale is checked anytime a unit takes fire. A D20 is rolled for the squad. The roll must be equal to or less than its morale grade value.
Japanese units that fail morale must do one of three things determined by a D6 roll:
2-3: Go to ground, pinned 4-6: Retreat to cover/shelter Scout and American units that fail:
5-6: Retreat to nearest cover/shelter Philippine Army units that fail:
4-5: Retreat to cover/shelter 6: Rout off board or until contact with officer EVENTS
2: Japanese artillery bombards the village, target is the cross roads two turns of six rounds roll dispersion and distance D12 and D10 inches. 3: Japanese artillery bombards the village, target is the cro.ss roads two turs of six rounds roll dispersion and distance D 12 and D10 inches. 4: Japanese artillery bombards the Rail Road bridge, target is the bridge center two turns of six rounds roll dispersion and distance D12 and D10 inches. Two direct hits will disable the structure. If the bridge is hit there is a chance that the engineer explosives will go off, roll a D20 a roll of twenty and the bridge explodes. 5: Japanese artillery bombards the Road bridge, target is the bridge center two turns of six rounds roll dispersion and distance D12 and D10 inches. Two direct hits will disable the structure. If the bridge is hit there is a chance that the engineer explosives will go off, roll a D20 a roll of twenty and the bridge explodes. 6: Japanese fighters strafe the road. Start point is the village and extends D20 plus ten inches along the road to the north. Any unit two inches on either side of the road is hit on a D6 roll of one or two, units on the road are hit on a D6 roll of four, five, or six. Roll for each figure separately then roll on the save table per normal. The Fighters will make two passes. All units get one move between passes. 7: Japanese fighters strafe the road. Start point is the village and extends D20 plus ten inches along the road to the south. Any unit two inches on either side of the road is hit on a D6 roll of one or two, units on the road are hit on a D6 roll of four, five, or six. Roll for each figure separately then roll on the save table per normal. The Fighters will make two passes. All units get one move between passes. 8: Japanese fighters strafe the road. Start point is the bridge and extends D20 plus ten inches along the road to the north. Any unit two inches on either side of the road is hit on a D6 roll of one or two, units on the road are hit on a D6 roll of four, five, or six. Roll for each figure separately then roll on the save table per normal. The Fighters will make two passes, all units get one move between passes. 9: Japanese horse drawn artillery battery moves down the road and begins to set up D20 plus ten inches from the jungle edge. 10: Japanese bombers attack village, high level bombers drop D20 bombs on the center of the village. Dispersal is D20 in inches D12 direction. Jack: Japanese bombers attack rail line, high level bombers drop D20 bombs on the center of the rail head. Dispersal is D20 in inches D12 direction. Queen: Japanese sniper opens fire on depot. He is D20 inches D12 direction. He will fire one shot a turn until eliminated. King: Japanese sniper opens fire on artillery section. He is D20 inches D12 direction. He will fire one shot a turn until eliminated. Ace: Japanese sniper opens fire on Headquarters section. He is D20 inches D12 direction. He will fire one shot a turn until eliminated. Hearts 2:Japanese patrol approaches from east side access road, they do not see infantry units that are hidden, they will attack vehicles but not tanks. 3: Japanese attack generation table JAGT. 4: JAGT plus a motor cycle approaches at high speed across the bridge to the CP driver has a message for CO to send a parol forward to contact withdrawing PA units. 5: JAGT plus US Army wrecker and crew arrive to pull out engineer vehicle stuck in ditch in front of the company. 6: JAGT plus Japanese bombard bridge with artillery dlO rounds D20 inch dispersion dl2 direction two inch target area. 7: JAGT plus Japanese sniper opens up on depot as above. 8: JAGT plus three PA troops retreat down road opposite Japanese attack. 9: JAGT plus division artillery officer phones with direct support for next twenty minutes, two fire missions 155mm six rounds each D10 dispersion dl2 direction four inch target area. 10: JAGT plus Japanese spotter aircraft flies overhead circling if any unit larger than a squad is in the openJapanese make artillery attack on center of mass dl0 rounds dl0 dispersion and dl2 direction. Aircraft will circle until driven off or shot down or fire mission is called. Jack: Withdraw all Japanese tank units Queen: Withdraw all Japanese infantry units King: Withdraw all Japanese units Ace: All Japanese units attack in all out Banzai charge SPADES 2: A group of Philippine Army troops arrives on the west side access road, they will move down the road and across the bridge. 3: The depot commander finds a case of new hand grenades you can issue 48 new type grenades to your troops if you send a detachment to the depot. 4: A P-40 swoops overhead and is pursued by a pair of Zeros, if there are vehicles in the open draw a red card. 5: The truck in the depot departs weather it is full or empty. 6: The company trains has sent up some hot rations for the troops they arrive at the bridge in a jeep and need to be transported to each of the forward units. 7: The Provisional Air Corps Infantry unit commander requests permission for his troops to withdraw acro.ss the briclge to defend the artillery and engineers. 8: The depot commander requests permission to burn the depot. 9: One member of the second squad is bitten by a snake and seems ill, He needs to be escorted to the company field dressing station. 10: The Battalion Commander arrives and wants a tour of your position. You must escort him around the lines and visit each squad. Jack: The depot commander has found a supply of small arms and mortar ammunition and asks if you want it. Queen: The artillery section receives orders to cross the bridge and cover it from the other side. King: Your commo section leader asks if you want field phones laid out to the squads, he has found six field phones in the depot. Ace: C/O falls out of your chair and twists ankle, subtract two from your personal movement rate. CLUBS 2: The FAO reports that we have a 155mm battery on call for the next thirty minutes. Eight rounds a turn for three turns the turn after called. 3: A truck arrives at the bridge for the depot: 4: A truck arrives at the bridge for the depot: 5: A truck arrives at the bridge for the depot: 6: Two Air Corps officers wander out of the Jungle lost and looking for a ride to Bataan. 7: A Philippine Army detachment arrives on the east access road, they have wounded and must make contact with their battalion HQ. They will cross the bridge and move south. 8: The labor crew at the depot leaves with the next vehicle 9: The Tank platoon leader attempts to move his tanks to the other side of the bridge. 10: The artillery commander attempts to move his battery to the other side of the bridge. Jack: The phone lines are dead to the rear of the bridge Queen: A section of Philippine Scouts from the 26th Cavalry arrives on the North access road and requests pemission to rest in the village. King: If the phones were out they are back in service, if not then they go out. Ace: FAO reports that a 155mm barrage is scheduled to begin shortly, it will be two turns of eight rounds each. The target is the cross roads to your front, 500 yards from the church. Joker: The American Engineer detachment attempts to blow the bridge, roll one D6, subtract three if there is a Japanese unit within six inches of the bridge, subtract three from the die roll if there is a friendly unit on the bridge, add three to the die roll if there is an officer of the covering force with the engineers. The engineers will move across the bridge if on the "wrong side" and will detonate the explosives on a roll of one or two. If they fail the first roll they will attempt to detonate the bridge each new turn until it explodes or they roll a six. VICTORY CONDITIONS If the Japanese reach the bridge or if both bridges are destroyed with Americans on the North bank, The Japanese win. The American win if the Japanese force is destroyed or all retreating or if the Americans escape to the South bank and destroy the bridge. JAPANESE ENTRANCE Japanese units enter as dictated by the charts below and will advance from the Jungle line down one of the roads until engaged by the enemy or an enemy unit is visible If an item is rolled for and all of that type of unit is currently in action take the next unit in the list that can be fielded. If more than half the attacking units are eliminated the entire force will breakoff the action and withdraw. This does not end the game - go on to an new turn, drawing cards, etc. and continuing to retreat the attacking forces until they are offboard.
Japanese will enter on a road determined by D6 roll as follows:
3: Road near Army depot 4: Road approaching RR Depot 5: On rail line 6: Japanese players pick road The referee and the "Japanese" players should set up the terrain. The American/Philippine players should be given the JAPANESE UNIT ARRIVAL TABLE (d20)
Operations order below and a strategic map of the area. They should get about 30 minutes to organize the defenses and lay wire. Thread makes excellent WD 1. We use a mix of asian style buildings and mediterranean buildings with a couple of modem style plastic kits for the police station and municipal buildings. Palm trees add a tropical feel to the battlefield and cloth with a grassy pattern makes good rice paddies. Look around for other terrain ideas like welcome mats cut up to represent cane fields. WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO PLAY Figures for Bataan are a challenge in 15mm. They are a little easier to find in 20mm plastic or metal. Quality castings has vehicles and figures for the Japanese and you can use their North African 8th Army for the scouts. I use the Minifig WWI line for Americans. Philippine Army units can be made up of a mix of Peter Laing and what ever colonial troops you can find. I also use some Matchbox vehicles for Wreckers and dumptrucks. Frontier Miniatures also has 15 mm Japanese and Americans, with a little head loping you can get the right headgear. The figures you will need are as follows, but remember you can use what ever is on hand, by changing the Japanese unit generation tables. Philippine Scouts
2 mortars and 12 crew 2 Hvy machine guns w/crew 4 (8) man squads 2 Jeeps Artillery platoon w/2 Lt Trucks 2 ea 75mm Guns w/12 crew/ 1 off/2 FO 2 Hvy MG w/crew U S Army
4 Stuart Lt. Tanks 2 SPM Halftracks w/crew of 4 each 2 lt. MG Philippine Army
Miscellaneous figures to fill roles an engineer squad, police, Bn. Co, Phil.Army unit of 12 men, two shot down pilots. Japanese
Two medium tanks Two trucks, two anti-tank guns, two medium guns w/crews three platoons of 20 men HQ with three officers/ 2 MGs Two caissons w/crew and two medium guns Operations Orders for Company C HQ
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