The summer solstice is closing near The moon is full, the time is here. The elves dance about in the pale moon light, A glee with summer delight. Happy spirits go to and fro. Thunder crashes, the wind does blow. Chants unheard, a dance unseen. A dragon roars a piercing scream. Lightening strikes down from the sky. Across the moon a dragon flies. In a glen of elfin homes, the rustic spirits dance around their magic stone. The dragon lands within the glen. The elves do not flee for he is friend. They sing and dance the night away. Upon the dragon a child does play. The hour is now, and the dragon is here. This marks the beginning of another year. Heart of glee, the dragon takes flight. The dance of the dragon ends yet again upon this night.
Dawn rises upon the sea Dew falls upon a leaf A sword drawn with glee A dagger from its' sheath This dawn brakes A cry is heard The clashing ring of steel
Shattering each man's will. Courage and honor wage war Across this land battle
tore Men will fall amongst it all The price is paid in blood, but for what call.
The shadows fall The sun has set No victory has won out yet. The shadows dance across the land The fires flicker made by man sorrow sets upon their hearts
Preparation for the next battle starts. A cry is heard throughout the night "Stop this insanity." "Stop this fight." "Insane is he who fights for lies." "Stop this war,
stop your battle cries." "Women and children" "Mothers and wives" "Spare them sorrow." "Take no more lives."
His plea was unheard And the living grew few Up rose a boy crying aloud "All is but lost" "How much more will it cost." Dawn rose once again The light fell upon the
mortal men They fight and fight forever more These are the insane breed of war. Their cries are heard day and night forever and ever they are damned to fight Battle raged this is their plight.
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