Circle the words within the puzzle: can be up, down, left, right, backwards, forwards, diagonal, and combination of above.
Frodo | Gondor | Elrond | Nazgul | Bifur | Fili |
JRR Tolkien | Aragorn | Lembas | Balin | Bofor | Dori |
Smaug | Gandalf | Orc | Dwalin | Bombur | Nori |
Bilbo | Balrog | Hobbit | Kili | Thorin | Ori |
Rivendell | Gollum | Goblin | Mirkwood | Glamdring | Mithril |
Peregrin | Treebeard | Mordor | Uruk Hai | Isengard | Saruman |
Smeagol | Shelob | Sam | Rohan | Merry | Gimli |
| Axe | Sword | Ent | Pippin | - | - |
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