By DU Members
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On the 'Zine The newszine is late; no doubt about it. In issue #37, I said the biggest danger to the club is me not getting out the newszine on time. I thought I had someone who was willing to take up the reins ot editor, I was wrong. I've not heard trom Jason in over three months. Strike two in the search for a new editor. So I must fall back on the statement, "l will get out Chainmail as fast as possible, as close to the set schedule as possible though I am very busy." I don't foreses this getting better anytime soon. Janis Williams, a new member, has offered to type things in for me from handwritten submissions. I welcome and will do my best to use the services ot people like Janis; it is very appreciated. On the subject ot submissions, I'm running out. There are a few individuals that have sent me piles ot work. But I don't want to have any one person dominate a given issue as has happened in the past. I can either hold off on publisining Chainmail until enough submissions have reached me or make the issues smaller. I'd like to hear from members concerning this. I couid also use whatever is on hand, no matter if the entire issue turns out to be written by two people. I can use what I think ot as "filler." These are items like I've used in the Whispers and Rumours column. I get the information mostly off of the computer nets and those members who use such services--many have already seen most of the information already. But some members have no access to the net and I'd like to hear some feedback on the issue. Speaking of feedback, I know I should have an Introductory package designed for new members. Now they get the next issue of Chainmail with a "Welcome to the Club" written on a page. I do this out of necessity: anyone care to help build a decent Intro package? I do get some submissions from members which I feel I cannot use or are borderline. I have used things in Chainmail that I felt maybe should not have gone out. If you like an article or submission, say so. If you don't like an article or submission, say so. Not to pick on any one person but there have been times I get things that I either have to rework completely (which I don't have the time for) or send back for further work. I'd like to thank those members who have sent in submissions on a regular basis. Those that hold down columns or, in the case of Genn, send in steady amounts of artwork are doubly appreclated. This Issue sees a few changes, some new, some old. Jil Conway, a bastion of the club for so meny years, will be leaving us to put forth more energy into her school. Jil, you'll be missed and if you have the time, you know where to find us. A name that some of the long time members will remember reappearing after being contacted by Bill and that is James Elmore. Hopefully, he'll be able to input the work and talent he showed in the club several years ago. We also see the return of "The Adventures' Pack" by Bill Brierton and the addition of "Ali Kim's Q&A Trading Posr by Bill Lee. Rich McCoy is now the XP Judge, Alan Mullins has consistently sent in his column for the past five issues, Gene Frye shows up with his "Bizarre Bibliophile," Joe West and Dan Lambert regularly submit work along with others, club response is growing I believe. I hope this trend continues. Remember, we make the club what it is. Whoops, one last thing, new member Rick Lemons pointed out that there was no address on the old application for the club. Enclosed is a new application. Lemme know what you think... Back to DU Fellow Dragonslayers, James Elmore here, a.k.a. Rasputin. Some of you may and should remember me as one of the founding members of DU and former assisstant editor of Chainmail. I haw been gone the last two years taking care of lifes' business. In those two years I started college at Colorado Technical Universny, a top-notch engineering school where I am getting a BS in MIS. I also got engaged, and will be getting married in May. I discovered some new games and played old ones, as well as put together a collection of poems I wrote over ten years. I also had several more tattoos done, at some small expense. Other than that, not much else has happened. I am writing to all of you today to let you know that I am back with a vengeance, thanks to Bill Brierton. He wrote me a while back asking me to consider rejoining. It feels good to be back in what was and still is a wonderful thing. When we started DU eight years ago, we had no idea what was going to happen, but I think all of us are glad we did it, 0n to the Important Stuff. As my first contribution to the club, I have volunteered my time, Internet account, and talents to put DU on the World Wlde Web. I have access to the clip art that Jeff has stored from the last 10 or so issues. I think it will be a worthwhile and fantastic undertaking. Here I am but one man, and I do not want this page to be about me, I want it to be about US. So start sending in ideas to me right away. I am starting on the page shortly after publication of this issue. It should only take a couple of weeks. Again, it is great to be back. Let's ride this beast into the next century together. Back to Chainmail Issue #39 Table of Contents © Copyright 1996 by Dragonslayers Unlimited This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |