by Rich McCoy
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That's right, there are plenty of opportunities awaiting someone with your skills if you market yourself wisely. Here are some employment ideas for your next heroes Speedsters: Heroes with increased speed have a variety of possibilities open to them.
B) In the private sector, there are many openings. Janitorial companies would grab any speedster to clean those fifty floor executive buildings. "What, you mopped all fiffy floors in fifty seconds?" C) Fast-food service providers would probably make a speedster a manager on the spot. Why, there would be no need for other employees when one speed-enhanced mutant can make five hundred hamburgers in three minutes. "Would you like two hundred fries with that, sir?" D) Messenger services in the big cities will offer high premiums to someone who can deliver their messages in a matter of seconds rather than minutes. One speedster would put the rest of the competition out of business. Telepathy: Although a risky power to make public due to fear and paranoia, it could have its uses and be accepted by some businesses.
B) Any company in financial management is going to offer a good salary to a telepath since he/she could provide an edge in business relations with clients and other businesses. Of course, your telepath would need to leave a few morals at the door... C) Many government agencies will hire a telepath to assist in their duties. The IRS would love a team of telepaths....for obvious reasons! But also, the court system would be able to reduce the risk of imprisoning innocent people if monitored by a skilled telepath. D) Well, there is always the psychic circuit or obtaining your private investigator license! Strength: For those heroes gifted with superior strength and endurance, a variety of jobs are available.
B) There are many possibilities in professional sports (i.e. wrestling, football, etc.), however, the question is whether they wouid be allowed to play! C) Again, law enforcement and the army might pay good salaries for someone who can lift a jeep over their head and subdue a smali platoon single-handedly! D) There are always openings for bodyguards and enforcers. Movie stars, businessmen, casinos, etc. are going to hire the biggest, baddest muscleman they can find....and pay well for it. There are other perks to such jobs, too! Other Powers: Many powers won't fit neatly into one type of job category, but there are always possibilities....with a little imagination.
B) The hero with fire-control powers joins the local fire department and helps to save several buildings in the course of only one week, bringing instant fame and extra money. C) Heightened sensory perception is in high demand by the retail business. The hero can assist in the creation of new pedumes/colognes, test new fibers for clothing, and taste the latest beer! D) Precognition, once proven true, can be used by stock brokers and social planners. E) Total memory? No problem. Dozens of universities will pay big money for someone who can recite every single word Shakespeare ever wrote. The hero would be in high demand as a research tool/resource. F) Immortality? Serial reincarnation? Weapon immunity? Join the circus as a stunt performer or hit the road with your own show. Perhaps even a TV special as the next Houdini? G) Energy absorption and control have a variety of uses, depending on the type of energy. Electrical energy?-Go to the local power company. Solar power? Go west, young man! Plasma, geothermal, nuclear? Well, there is always the Department of Energy..... H) As for those heroes with deformities or nonhumans, have you considered a career on the stage or TV? Sure, there are enough science fiction shows that might hire you since they will save money on make-up and prosthetics! You might just be the next big name....if you can act convincingly. On the Downside Of course, obtaining such jobs will not be easy. Normal humans who become unemployed due to your abilities will make life difficult, to say the ieast. There may even be attempts on your life. Unions will make the enhanced ability issue into a high profile campaign. Businesses that hire enhanced workers may even face boycotts and lose business. In the short term, laws might be passed prohibiting the hiring of paranormals....until the issue of discrimination hit the courts. What could be the outcome? It all depends on your world....but I think it may eventually lead to even greater divisions between the humans and superhumanly endowed. But, you need to eat and pay the bills, too, right? There are many possibilities, but considering the obstacles, the unemployment line may become a familiar place to your players. No one ever got rich by being a superhero..... Back to Chainmail Issue #38 Table of Contents © Copyright 1996 by Dragonslayers Unlimited This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |