The Battle of Trebbia


by Daniel Burkley


Roman Forces


Sempronius (0) is C-in-C
Servillus (-1) and Varro (-1) are subgenerals.
(all leaders are HC)

Troop Stands

    6** x Roman/Italian velites (SK)
    12 x Roman Legionairres (SD)
    8 x Italian Legionairres (It SD)
    4 x Roman Triarii (SP)
    2 x Italian Spearmen (SP)
    4 x Italian Auxiliaries (AUX)
    4 x Italian Heavy Auxiliaries (Heavy AUX)
    3 x Gallic Warbands (WB)
    1 x Roman Heavy Cavalry (HC)
    1 x Italian Heavy Cavalry (It HC)
    1 x Italian Medium (MC)
    1 x Italian Light Cavalry (LC)

Panic Level = 16

Carthaginian Forces


Hannibal (+1) is C-in-C
Marharbal (0) is a subgeneral.
(all leaders are HC)

Troop Stands

    2** x Elephants (EL)
    7 x Skirmishers (including Baeleric, Gallic, Spanish, etc) (SK)
    8 x Punic Spearmen (SP)
    2 x Spanish Warbands (WB)
    3 x Spanish Auxiliaries (AUX)
    10 x Gallic Warbands (WB)
    4 x Gallic and Spanish Heavy Cavalry (HC)
    4 x Numidian Light Cavalry (LC)

Hidden off board in ambush


Mago (0) is a subgeneral.
(all leaders are HC)

Troop Stands

    2 x Numidian and Punic Skirmishers (SK)

Panic Level = 15


* The number in brackets is the ability of the leader
** The number of stands.

DBA Trebbia Rules and Tips
The Historical Analysis

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