By Jim Purky
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8. The Army of Frederick the Great, by Christopher Duffy: At long last the book that we have all been waiting for is now available from Emperor's Headquarters, Articles of War and other military history book dealers. We will do a book review in a future issue. The cost is $37.50 for this 360 page book that has absolutcly everything you want to know about the Prussian army of Alte Fritz. There are numerous changes from the first edition published in 1974, and chief among these is Professor Duffy's new opinion about the quality, role and etfectiveness of the frei battalions and other light troops that served under the Prussian auspices. There is also a new section devoted to the comical Prussian navy and its doomed encounter with the Swedish navy on the Oder River lagoons near Stettin. Another interesting section called " The Four Battles of Wendisch-Tyrnau " featurcs a hypothetical piece of terrain over which the Austrians and Prussians fight throughout the course of the SYW. These battles illustrate the evolving tactics of both armies and demonstrate how each side adjusted their tactics to the other army's counter-measures. The book also features extensive battle maps that show the position of each regiment (for both sides), as well as a brief unit history for cach regiment in the Prussian infantry and cavalry. Even if you already have the first edition, you will want to purchase a copy of the new book, since the old one is" totally out of date and wrong in many areas " in the words of Professor Duffy. [this being due to the fact that he has done considerably more research during the intervening 22 years] If you can only buy one book this year, make it Duffy's book on the Army of Frederick the Great. 9. The Russian Army of the SYW: Osprey Books intends to publish a three book set on the Russian Army of the SYW. The first book was supposed to be available in March 1996, but I have not heard or seen any news of it since. Keep on the lookout for this series in the next month or two. Isn't it great that Osprey is finally devoted attention to the SYW? The Austrian, Prussian and British armies have been covered and now the Russians are about to arrive. Can the French be far behind? 10. War; State and Society in Wurttemberg, 1677-1793. Peter Wilson has recently written this book about the politics and military institutions of the Wuntemberg state. Peter advises me to forewarn members that the emphasis of the book is on political topics. Nevertheless, this sounds like a book that any 1 8th Century enthusiast would want to add to his collection. Published by Cambridge University, the cost is 45.00 pounds hardback and 18.95 pounds paperback. 11. Zorndorf August 25, 1758 Boardgame. Paul Dangel was kind enough to send me a copy of his new board game, from Clash of Arms Games. This is the second in a series of games about the battles of Frederick the Great [the first, Kolin, sold out completely and is out of print, so don't wait too long to purchase Zorndorf]. As with all board games from this company, you get a beautiful set of maps which are a work of art in their own right, and most helpful if you intend to wargame Zorndorf with miniatures. The colored counters simulate the uniforms facing colors of the actual regiments for both sides. Finally, each game includes a detailed historical commentary about the battle - the game is worth buying for this feature alone, not to mention all the other goodies. Unfortunately, I don't know how to play board garnes so I can not opine on the game experience, but Clash of Arms Games has been around for a long time and they have a well-earned reputation for producing a quality garne. I believe the cost is $48.00 per box. Paul also tells me that their next game will be on Leuthen [oh boy! ! ! !] with historical commentary by Christopher Duffy and it is scheduled to come out in the Fall of 1996. Duffy and Clash of Arrns are also working togeather to develop a SYW campaign game for the entire European theater. You can order your copy by calling/fax Clash of Arms at (610) 935-7622 or write to them at Clash of Arms Games, The Byrne Bldg. #205, Lincoln & Morgan Streets, Phoenixville, PA 19460. 12. Uniforms of the SYW, A Painter's Guide, by Bill Biles. These revised and updated painting guides arc now available lhrough the Seven Years War Association. Volume I (Prussia, England, Hanover, Hesse-Cassel and Brunswick), Volume II (France, Austria, Bavaria, Saxony and Wurttemberg), and Volume 111 (The Reicharmee, Russia & the Palatinate States) are available at a cost of $15.00 per copy of $40.00 f'or the set of three. Please add $1.00 per copy for postage and handling. Please make checks payable to Jim Purky at 3127 Park Place, Evanston,11 60201. 13. SYWA Journal Back Issues are now available at a cost of $7.00 which includes all postage anywhere in the world. I recently had every issue in Volumes Vl, VII and VIII reprinted. Inquiries should be sent to the editor at the address indicated in Item #12 above. 14. Wargamer's Guides to the War of the Austrian Succession, by Stephen Manley Association member Stephen Manley sent me a copy of Volume III Uniforms of the Dutch Army and I must say that I was very impressed with the volume of information presented as well as its clarity, supported by numerous charts and line drawings of the uniforms. This is an A4 sized paperback booklet of 20 pages with a plastic-bound cover and costs 3.99 pounds plus 32p postage in the Uk and 72p postage in Europe. This is one of four volumes currently available: Volume I (France), Volume II (Britain), Volume III (Dutch) and Volume IV (Spanish) all for the period 1739-1748. Future volumes are in the works for the Austrians, Prussians, German States, Italian States and the Russians. In Europe, contact S. Manley, 16 Buckminster Close, Oakwood, Derby DE21 2EA, UK. In North America contact: The Quartermaster, 490 Valade Crescent, Orleans, Ontario K4A 2WA, Canada [and inquire about North American prices] Stephen also offers a 15% discount to SYWA members. 15. Camp Topographies of the Campaign of 1757 in Westphalia, as translated by James J. Mitchell, Old Battlefields Press. Association members Jim Mitchell and Dean West have formed a new enterprise devoted to English language translations and for reprints of heretofore unavailable SYW-era source material and other related publications. They have also published Dean's The Final Argument of Kings rules for miniature wargaming. The subject booklet is 166 pages 8.5 x 11 spiral bound and contains numerous maps [52 in total] depicting French campsites during the 1757 campaign that led to Hastenbeck and the capitulation of the Hanoverian Army of Observation at Closter Zeven. There is also a large fold out order of battle at the end of the booklet. The price is $25.00 plus $3.00 postage and it can be ordered from: Old Banlefields Press, 5 East 600 North, Valparaiso, IN 46383, USA. Future projects will include translations of the French & Indian War journals and correspondences of Montcalm and the Chevalier de Levis. 16. With Musket, Cannon and Sword by Brent Nosworthy His latest book deals primarily with Napoleonic tactics, but there is a great deal of discussion related to the transition from the SYW linear tactics to the evolution of Napoleonic banle tactics. The artillery sec tions are applicable to either period, and there is much that the student of the SYW can learn about his period from Mr. Nosworthy. The cost is $35.00 and is available from Articles of War, EHQ and most of the chain bookstores. Back to Seven Years War Asso. Journal Vol. IX No. 1 Table of Contents © Copyright 1996 by James E. Purky This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |