Miscellaneous Notes

The British Army Week

by Keith Raynor

The following circular letter sent to various General Officers of the British Army should be of interest to Researchers and Re-enactors alike. Re-enactors of the N.A. protraying British soldiers might like to note what activities were allocated for Saturdays and Sundays, so as to prehaps help them plan their own event weekends.

Adjutant Generals Office. 16th May 1795
(P.R.O. WO 3/28 Pages 89 to 91)

My Lord, I have it in command from Field Marshal, His Royal Highness the Duke of York, to make known to your Lordship, His Majesty's Pleasure; that the "Rules and Regulations for the Formations, Field Exercise, and Movements of His Forces" published by His Majesty's command, for their use and practice, in June 1792 shall be strictly followed and adhered to, without any deviation therefrom whatever, in all the different encampments, for which the Commanding Generals, will be responsible.

And for the essential purpose of promoting uniformity in the Discipline of the Troops; and in order that equal progress may be made, as much as possible amongst them, towards the general establishment of one, and the same system, throughout the whole, His Majesty, has been pleased to signify His Royal Pleasure, that the General's commanding the different Districts in Great Britain shall strictly observe the following Rules regarding the exercising of the Troops, in their respective camps until further Orders.

On the Monday and Friday, in every week, each Corps is to be exercis'd separately under the personal direction of its own Commanding Officer, practising those parts of the exercise, set forth in His Majesty's establish'd Regulation's, in which He Himself may find it most defective, or that the Commanding General may think proper exprefsly to order.

On each Tuesday, and Saturday, the exercising of the Troops, is to be perform'd by Brigades, under the immediate conduct, and Command of their respective Major Generals.

On each Wednesday, the Commanding General will take out the whole Line, and make them perform such Movements, Manouvres, or other Exercises, as he may think proper.

Thursday, is to be set apart, as a Day of Repose for the whole. Such Corps only excepted, as may have been either negligent, or irregular, in their exercises, on the preceeding Days, or which are otherwise defective and behind hand in their Discipline, compared with the other Troops, in the same encampment.

His Royal Highness recommends it to be observ'd as a General Rule, that when the Troops order'd out, shall go through such exercises, as they may be required to perform in a proper manner, and to the satisfaction of their Commanding Officer, they should not be kept, under arms, too long at a time.

Divine Service is to be perform'd regularly in every camp, on Sunday's, either by Brigade, or otherwise, according to local circumstances, and the disposition for it, that may be made by the Commanding General, care being taken, that all the men off Duty, being clean and properly drefs'd, and paraded with their side arms, do attend it, and behave with becoming attention and decency during the performance of that Solomn Duty.

By Command of Field Marshall,
His Royal Highness the Duke of York.
W.F. A.G.
Circular to the Following General Officers.
Marq. Townsend.Sir Wm. Howe..
Duke of Richmond.Ld. Geo. Lennax..
Sir Wm. Pitt K.B.Marq. Cornwallis..
Duke of Gordon.Maj. Gen. Musgrave..

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