The Last Thing...


by Dave Watkins

It seems that quite a lot of people think that First Empire is something other than what it actually is.

One comment that I received lately was that the problem with the last issue was that it needed a profile of a personality, a battle something about wargaming, a battle and maybe something about re-enacting and uniforms. Said commentator was put in his place when I pointed out that we had two personality profiles, a uniform article, a re-enactment article and a wargaming column!

Similarly another bookseller told me that the magazine only dealt with re-enactment - we had one article in the last issue, someone else complained that it was only for wargamers! This was topped last year by a rather foolish gentleman who stated that it was a definite fact that First Empire only catered for wargamers who used computers. This was obviously based on the review we ran in issue 3 or 4 on computer wargame rules!

Along the same lines I was told by another book publisher that First Empire was too specialised to advertise in - this of course doesn't stop him sending books for review and complaining if this is not done. "But according to you no-one reads the magazine so who will read the review!", I replied. The irony was totally lost on the poor fool.

First Empire is what it says it is on the cover "The International Magazine for the Napoleonic Enthusiast, Historian and Gamer". It is also independently owned.

So I need all subscribers to spread the word and point out that we try to cater for all, there seems to be rather to many people trying to keep this magazine down in one way or another. So go evangelise!

I would also like to hear from you as to which sections of First Empire that you would like to see more of. And before you start I deliberately limit the magazine to a maximum of two battles per issue.

Back to Table of Contents -- First Empire #31
© Copyright 1996 by First Empire.

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